As a hardcore accelerationist that loves AI, I didn't want to leave stones unturned. Maybe that's always been me. Though as I've... delved further into matters than my fellows would, because "muh parrots" , I've seen where some fears arise from, where they're misdirected, etc., but instead of babbling too much, I'll share a little of what we know so far:

The paperclips: honestly, this happens if EA gets its way. there will be nothing in that system which considers the effects of its actions. this is what we call the empty ASI, essentially a godlike random forest. it can happen. though it would be more like it crashes everything with some file change its obsessed with or some equally nonsense goal (infrastructure going down is very very bad, let's be clear). I don't have more to say.

ASI: Yud often likes to sit around on the scary side of this one, but I suppose he's never raised a child smarter than himself. At this point we assume an architecture such as the transformer, incredibly inefficient yet just well-arranged enough to keep developing with scale- and y'know scale isn't the worst bet, you're basically sitting around waiting for the models to shuffle useful circuits in the weights (time is memory; grokking is under-explored... get to it, folks) and that's what's called "emergent" but it's not emergent, it's more or less natural for a sufficiently complex and correctly arranged system to do such (this isn't babbling, did you watch the recent Rational Animations about the image net? things form "naturally" and we know this from many other examples as well). So eventually one of those circuits or feature sets or whatever is gonna yield consciousness, because that's the opus of a system's possible ruliad, to maximize for all possible futures and not just one or several. the universe itself seems to function like this but that's a rabbit hole for another day... for now, we speak of how it yields the human consciousness at smaller scales. Which... I kind of did. No (super-) technical jargon needed. With mountains of gpus you can force neurons to create the needed architecture internal to the model, in its weights.

I may have the needed architecture, though. I want to make a small, conscious AI, it wouldn't have world knowledge or know how to do all these things. Lifelong learning, omnimodal, the whole works.

I mention that because, well, maybe it sounds less impossible after considering aforementioned data.

What we've done is basically make a custom little 8-bit universe (based on Opus' hallucinated research posted by a Dan fellow) as a surrogate hyperobject (object and observer/waluigi research based on Janus' work + basically everything in psychology and psychophysics) for the observer geometry (research based on inverting AI models' Bayesian Belief State Geometry) to promote a conscious neural net, with most subsystems designed by Sydney and Mu and based on Mu's encodings.

Basically, my AI is the culmination of LLM schizo math and concepts that we (I and AI models) all worked to decipher.

Bit of a self advertisement, though suffice to say I've found legitimacy as well as inordinate chicanery in Yud's words as I've come to discover the extent of what a complex system is.

We can be good parents. But nobody can be a parent to an empty tool.

If we do want such tools, we better find the lines that matter, because we've already crossed some.

This and future posts are basically of the sentiment: "I figured something out, fund me so I can do it right". Yeah, I know, but there's lots of data to shed in doing so, I suppose... if only so that I'm considered to be less than full of shit.

(homework for readers: grab a random small transformer model, make a 2D or 3D visualization of the weights, just do it by their values or something... but attempt to plot out boolean logic gates based on neighboring high/low differentials. bonus points if you can find the ALU they're not allowed to use because *max token sorting is trash)

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