Petrov Day is this weekend. Various LessWrong folk have taken the opportunity to reflect on the Day that Stanislav Petrov Didn't Destroy the World. Some people have employed ritual, and others parties. Some employ Big Red Buttons of some sort.

This year, many of the traditional manners people have commemorated the event are a bit different. 

East Coast Petrov Megameetup

The New York Rationality community will be holding an Online Petrov Megameetup, which includes:

  • 3:00pm - 3:15am Welcome
  • 3:15pm - 4:15pm Ice Breakers
  • 4:15pm - 5:30pm Lightning Talks & Activities
  • 5:30pm - 6:00pm Snack/Water Break
  • 6:00pm - 7:00pm Ritual

It's recommended that you get 8 candles/candleholders for the ritual if you can, but if not you can listen along, and maybe download a Candle App for your phone that you can use for a few key moments.

Austin Petrov Day

The folks in Austin are holding an in person, masked, outdoor Petrov Day.

We have modified the ceremonial manual to accommodate the outdoor setting. If possible, please bring a printed copy of the double-sided booklet version (or a mobile device on which you can read the mobile-friendly version), and a pen/pencil.

Littleton, CO Petrov Day

Littleton is having an outdoor potluck:

Come join us as we celebrate the world not having been destroyed, and raise a glass of Vodka to Stanislav Petrov.

We have chosen an outdoor venue for pandemic concerns, and will have a potluck for anyone willing to break bread during these troubled times. Masks are encouraged if you are not eating or drinking, and social distancing is recommended for anyone not already spending time together (some attendees have created quarantine circles, so don't be surprised if you see people ignoring typical precautions).

If you're hosting a Petrov Day celebration of some kind that people are welcome to join, please list them in the comments below!

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