by [anonymous]
1 min read


According to statistics, Edinburgh has a reasonable number of LW readers. Currently no Edinburgh meetups exist for Less Wrong so we might as well arbitrarily set one in the near future and see if it could work out (if there are enough people who are interested in a meetup here).

Date/time: Saturday 16th of April at 2:00pm.

Place: A pub called the Auld Hoose.

I would be holding a sign with "Less Wrong" written on it.

EDIT: definite time/place.

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You are not likely to generate a discussion here that leads to deciding a better place and time than what you have suggested. Just say you will definately be there at that time, and post it to the front page. If people have other ideas, you can apply them to the next meet up.


I think Elias intended to just fix those times and locations. But yeah this should be clearer in the post.


I'm almost certain to attend.

Unfortunately I can't improve on the suggested location, as my knowledge of such places are horrible.