Hi all,

I just wanted to loudly recommend the position to design and write rationality curriculum --- to anyone who is interested --- as a potential way to make yourself more awesome.  After helping teach mini-camp last year, I definitely experienced a huge increase in motivation for my own research, and in turn, productivity.  Somehow, giving serious thought to rationality advice for a large group and *actually delivering it* made be internalize even more deeply some things I thought I'd already absorbed completely. 

... and my sense that more is possible is still tingling :)

So yeah, definitely give it a shot if you think you might be good at it!

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After helping teach mini-camp last year, I definitely experienced a huge increase in motivation for my own research, and in turn, productivity.

O RLY? Pics or GTFO. Er. Numbers or it didn't happen? Citations? You know what I mean.

Well, assuming he's being honest, from this post we can infer that he feels like he feels like he's more awesome.

Which, as I remember him, is actually kind of scary on its own. :)