Summary: Yudkowsky's fiction emphasizes neodeconstructive rationalism, which serves as a bridge between class and sexual identity. Materialist libertarianism (in the metaphysical sense) implies quantum nonrealism, but examining the works of Vinge, Gibson, and especially Egan in this light generates the discourse of semitoic consciousness.

1. Precapitalist textual theory and neodeconstructive rationalism

In the works of Yudkowsky, a predominant concept is the concept of cultural reality. It is not enough to believe in belief; one must make beliefs pay rent  It could be said that Salamon’s model of neodeconstructive rationalism implies that class has significance, given that the premise of materialist libertarianism is invalid. Given that absence of evidence is evidence of absence, an abundance of discourses concerning Pearlean absurdity may be revealed.

The main theme of the works of Alicorn is not depatriarchialism, but postdepatriarchialism. Thus, Yvain suggests the use of neoconstructive narrative to modify culture. After all, guessing the teacher's password is merely a route to more semantic stopsigns. The defining characteristic, and subsequent dialectic, of materialist libertarianism intrinsic to Yudkowsky’s Three Worlds Collide is also evident in The Sword of Good, although in a more mythopoetical sense.

It could be said that the primary theme of Jaynes's analysis of neodeconstructive rationalism is the bridge between class and sexual identity. pjeby promotes the use of the cultural paradigm of consensus to deconstruct class divisions.

Thus, if neodeconstructive rationalism holds, we have to choose between postdialectic conceptualist theory and subcapitalist theory. But would that take place on a level greater than merely disputing definitions? Several appropriations concerning the stasis of dialectic art exist.

But the characteristic theme of the works of Bayes is a postpatriarchial reality. Hanson’s critique of materialist libertarianism holds that the establishment is meaningless. But is it really just an empty label?

2. Expressions of futility

“Sexual identity is part of the stasis of language,” says Vinge. Thus, Dennett states that we have to choose between Sartreist absurdity and capitalist libertarianism; taw's critique brings this into sharp focus. If neodeconstructive rationalism holds, the works of Yudkowsky are modernistic.

“Culture is used in the service of the status quo,” says Dennett; however, according to Crowe, it is not so much culture that is used in the service of the status quo, but rather the failure, and therefore the defining characteristic, of culture. But the subject is interpolated into a materialist libertarianism that includes art as a whole. Pearl holds that we have to choose between Humean qualitative post praxis and the neodialectic paradigm of consensus.

In the works of Yudkowsky, a predominant concept is the distinction between figure and ground; the generalized anti-zombie principle stands in tension with the tragedy of group selectionism It could be said that Blake uses the term neodeconstructive rationalism to denote the role of the participant as artist. The main theme of Hanson's analysis of materialist libertarianism is the economy, and eventually the stasis, of semiotic society.

But the primary theme of the works of Egan is not constructivism as such, but neoconstructivism. Sarkar states that the works of Egan are postmodern.

In a sense, Hanson uses the term 'materialist libertarianism' to denote the role of the writer as artist. Quantum non-realism implies that sexuality is used to marginalize minorities, but only if culture is distinct from language.

3. Yudkowsky and neodeconstructive rationalism

In the works of Yudkowsky, a predominant concept is the concept of timeless control. However, MichaelVassar suggests the use of materialist libertarianism to analyse and modify narrativity. The characteristic theme of the works of Gibson is the role of the writer as observer.

Therefore, in Virtual Light, Gibson deconstructs the conscious sorites paradox; in All Tomorrow’s Parties, however, he analyses the moral void. It could be said that the subject is contextualised into a neodeconstructive rationalism that includes art as a whole. Any number of situationisms concerning Bayesian rationality may be discovered.

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I feel like now I have a really deep understanding. Basically everything is highly interconnected.

They also have many layers - like onions.


(Flees in tears.)

"What is truth?"

For reference, this post was constructed by taking the output of the postmodernism generator and carefully hand-editing to replace literary/philosophical references to things recognizable around here, cleaning up the text to make it a bit more consistent, and adding in a bunch of named links to Lw articles.

I had been planning to post something that would serve as a proper send-up of the site, but realized I'm not quite that funny and clever.

These stories really blow your mind, man. Like: whoa!

Huh? Are we being Sokal'd?

ETA: Oh, right, April Fool's. Nice use of a top-level post.

Nothing on the internet can be trusted on April 1st. I brought a book so I could still have something to do while at work.

For a minute there I actually thought you were serious about reading a book

That's an interesting question. The Sokal affair happened due to lack of peer review before publishing the paper. In this case, I can publish anything I want until I get about 2200 downvotes (or 220 downvotes on articles). Of course, this would require people to have at least 2200 karma collectively devoted to downvoting me in order to accomplish this.

That said, I think the topic of neodeconstructive rationalism deserves at least as much 'serious thought' here as semiotic postcontextualism.

Personally, April Fool's jokes annoy me, because I keep forgetting what date it is today. But on the other hand, often these post factum posts make sense on a meta level. Not to mention, I'm not against gaslighting in Dat Ilan, because when it's done consciously to optimize the beneficial effects (and not like with Santa), it looks like a good exercise in your distrust/doubt/critical thinking. In this particular case, I would like to know how many people on lesswrong took it seriously, but it’s not noticeable from the comments, it doesn’t let me understand in what proportion here those who paid attention to the date, realized everything or did not want to admit it. At least I'll write my reaction: At the beginning I met with a set of terms in a strange combination, but since the post was upvoted, I assumed that perhaps this combination is an established fallout and / or the post is otherwise good enough that this disadvantage pays off. When mentioning capitalism, I thought that perhaps I was mistaken and there is some sympathy for some of Marx's ideas, those that were successful. Or is this again a strange use of the term. A little further on, I remembered that I had heard that during one of the influxes of the audience on lesswrong, a bunch of people appeared who wrote and promoted meaningless combinations of terms from the chains to the top. Then I met the mention of dialectics and my confusion jumped to enormous heights, because I checked the explanations of its proponents for the sake of interest and came to the conclusion that amidst a huge amount of water lies a misunderstanding of the principles of science (crackpot index) and a completely counter-rational opinion that contradictions are on territory, not on the map. In general, before the second point, I exploded and without finishing reading went to read the comments, looking for answers to the extreme degree of confusion and trying to find out why this post still has so many likes. But in fairness, in addition to Yudkowsky's opinion about meaningless wisdom, I read an article "On the perception of pseudo deep thought nonsense" about the fact that Hegel's texts look equally deep if you add and remove a particle not, as well as delete and interchange words. (This is another very negative sign about dialectics, as far as I know, it came from Hegel) And that people cannot strictly explain what it generally means, but from this they conclude that the writer owns terms from a bunch of areas of science unknown to the reader, which means he is very smart. Before reading this, I had a couple of cases where I initially perceived such sets of words as something possibly meaningful.

How are April fool's jokes supposed to be voted on here, up or down?

That depends on whether you wish to see more April fool's jokes, or fewer.

up, obviously.

What does "deconstructive" mean?

See "How to Deconstruct Almost Anything" - an engineer's trip report into postmodernist studies. I enjoyed it a lot.

This is an interesting link - I will include it among my hypotheses when considering deconstruction in the future.

"deconstructive" means "concerned with deconstruction".

"deconstruction" is the act-noun form of "deconstruct".

What does "deconstructive" mean if "deconstruct" is tabooed?


From Wikipedia:

Derrida began speaking and writing publicly at a time when the French intellectual scene was experiencing an increasing rift between what could broadly be called "phenomenological" and "structural" approaches to understanding individual and collective life. For those with a more phenomenological bent the goal was to understand experience by comprehending and describing its genesis, the process of its emergence from an origin or event. For the structuralists, this was precisely the false problem, and the "depth" of experience could in fact only be an effect of structures which are not themselves experiential. It is in this context that in 1959 Derrida asks the question: Must not structure have a genesis, and must not the origin, the point of genesis, be already structured, in order to be the genesis of something?

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