Scientists from the University of California, Berkeley, found that music and color are connected through an intermediate link - emotions


So why not apply in this case color semantics, which has existed since 1949 in the form of the Max Luscher's eight-color test, which converts a sequence of colors into a sequence of words?

"Max Lüscher believed that sensory perception of color is objective and universally shared by all, but that color preferences are subjective, and that this distinction allows subjective states to be objectively measured by using test colors. Lüscher believed that because the color selections are guided in an unconscious manner, they reveal the person as they really are, not as they perceive themselves or would like to be perceived"

So, if you sync your mood with the mood of the music, you can determine the mood of the music using the color test

The sequence of passing the test is simple:
1. Which of the eight colors seems the most pleasing?
2. Which of the remaining colors seems the most pleasing? (until all the color cards go to the result)

You can find the test version here:
Here you can find the test and simpliest MVP of music recommendation system how it can be created (MUSLI stands for Musica Lingua or Music Lingo):

Since the interpretation text can be translated into any language in the world, this makes music a universal language. Thus music as a means of communication and coordination can become a means against Moloch

Jim Carrey about music:

Also listen to three songs from Paul McCartney's Flaming Pie album:

1. The Song We Were Singing

2. The World Tonight

3. Great Day

And so here are some examples of matching the first pair of colors of the test and the songs:

Your Desired Objective
"Wants to sweep aside the things that stand in his way, to follow his impulses and be involved in special or exciting happenings. In this way he hopes to deaden the intensity of his conflicts, but his impulsive behavior leads him to take risks":

1. The Clash - London Calling
2. Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train

Your Desired Objective
"Seeks affectionate, satisfying and harmonious relationships. Desires an intimate union, in which there is love, self-sacrifice and mutual trust":

1. Echo Jet - Something To Believe In
2. The Beatles - All You Need Is Love

As you can see the author creating a song partially duplicates the information transmitted through the text channel (verbal) and the intonation channel of the music (non-verbal)

Thus the song form is an implementation of Jung's Transcendent Function. As much as Max Lucsher's color test too

"There is nothing mysterious or metaphysical about the term "transcendent function". It serves to denote a psychological function comparable in nature to the mathematical function of the same name that connects real and imaginary numbers. The psychological "transcendent function" is the result of combining conscious and unconscious contents"

Also, if we put on the 7th and 8th place two colors, when mixed, it turns out the "the ugliest colour in the world" (, then we get the following interpretation:

"Has an unsatisfied need to ally himself with others whose [ethical]standards are as high as his own, and to stand out from the rank and file. This subjects him to considerable stress, but he sticks to his [ethical]attitudes despite lack of appreciation. Finds the situation uncomfortable and would like to break away from it, but refuses to compromise with his [ethical]opinions. Unable to resolve the situation because he continually postpones making the necessary [ethical]decision, as he doubts his ability to withstand the opposition which would result. Needs the esteem of others, compliance with his wishes and respect for his opinions before he can feel at ease and secure"

A little theory with illustrations

Paul McCartney - Cosmically Conscious

An interesting thing: if you change four pairs of colors in places, while maintaining the order inside the pairs, then from Love intonation from "All You Need Is Love" you can get Joy from "Cosmically Conscious" an Us intonation from "Imagine" ^_^

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As you can see the author creating a song partially duplicates the information transmitted through the text channel (verbal) and the intonation channel of the music (non-verbal)

I don't think this follows, because your emotional state is presumably affected by the text as well as the music.

It would be interesting to see if the text generated by one person taking the test after listening to the song could be used to reliably identify the song by another person

It follows - I've seen it too many times. Of course, I myself thought about this effect, that such an effect takes place, that I understand the words, but still, since English is not my native language, I can abstract from the meaning of the words and focus all my directed attention on the music and on my feelings from it.

Gluecifer - Easy Living "coz i’m feeling shitty"

The Verve - Bitter Sweet Symphony

U2 - One "Did I disappoint you or leave a bad taste in your mouth?"

"Sets himself idealistic but illusory goals. Has been bitterly disappointed and turns his back on life in weary self-disgust. Wants to forget it all and recover in a comfortable, problem-free situation" [easy living]

But even if we talk in this way about those for whom English is their native language, we can say that music and text simultaneously affect a person, enhancing the artistic effect of each other. The main thing here for me is that the color test allows you to convey to the listener that they experienced a specific emotional state that coincided with the original mood of the song's author. Then the question arises: how many of us have been in this emotional state?

In this regard, it is interesting to go to the meta level in the song Jeff Rowe - Stolen Songs. Stolen songs are a kind of metaphorical reflection of the fact that the audience can feel the same way as it is sung in the song, and assign this right to themselves. The performer does not have an exclusive right to the artistic content, but only to the form. But the paradox of music is that form and content define each other.

"Sing me a secret that's hidden behind chords you say that you can't find, sing for me me one more time... Play me a stolen song, the one we knew we'd steal. Sooner or later we just might steal them all and claim them for our own. Who cares if they know"

Ironically, even if someone gets the copyright to smile and forbids me to smile when expressing joy, I will have to steal the smile as a form of expressing joy, because that's how I express joy