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LW Feature request/idea for a feature - In posts that have lots of in-text links to other posts,  perhaps add an LLM 1-2 sentence (context informed) summary in the hover preview? 

I assume that for someone who has been around the forum for many years, various posts are familiar enough that name-dropping them in a link is sufficient to give context. But If I have to click a link and read 4+ other posts as I am going through one post, perhaps the LW UI can fairly easily build in that feature. 

(suggesting it as a features since it does seem like LW is a place that experiments with various features not too different from this - ofc, I can always ask for a LLM summary manually myself if I need to) 

At some point in the last couple months I was tinkering with a feature that'd try to show you a preview of the section of each linked post that'd be most contextually relevant given where it was linked from, but it was both technically fiddly and the LLM reliability is not that great.  But there might be something there.