Discussion article for the meetup : Finding Effective Altruism with Biased Inputs on Options - LA Rationality Weekly Meetup

WHEN: 20 January 2016 07:00:00PM (-0800)

WHERE: 10850 West Pico Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90064Westside Pavilion - Upstairs Wine Bar (Next to the movie theater)

We're going to be discussing the general question of how to use biased information to make rational decisions, but talk about the specific context of how to be an Effective Altruist doing so.

The various EA nonprofits each have a claim to effective altruism, and there is lots of uncertainty about which will end up being the most effective; we can give to AMF and save lives in the near future for around $1,000 a life, or try policy interventions, with unknown effects, or perhaps we should try prevent one of severeal potential tail risks that could destroy humanity in the near or far future. The experts in each area argue for their cause, and we'd love a clearer way to think about the options. Come join us as we try to find one!

Discussion article for the meetup : Finding Effective Altruism with Biased Inputs on Options - LA Rationality Weekly Meetup

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Also, a little bit of recommended reading: What is EA? - http://www.effectivealtruism.org/about-ea What Evidence Filtered Evidence - http://lesswrong.com/lw/jt/what_evidence_filtered_evidence/