Strong upvote (both as object-level support and for setting a valuable precedent) for doing the quite difficult thing of saying "You should see me as less expert in some important areas than you currently do."
Also, if you're asking a panel of people, even those skilled at strategic thinking will still be useless unless they've thought deeply about the particular question or adjacent ones. And skilled strategic thinkers can get outdated quickly if they haven't thought seriously about the problem in awhile.
I'm not trying to agree with that one. I think that if someone has thought a bunch about the general topic of AI and has a bunch of useful takes. They can probably convert this on the fly to something somewhat useful, even if it's not as reliable as it would be if they spent a long time thinking about it. Like I think I can give useful technical mechanistic interpretability takes even if the question is about topics I've not spent much time thinking about before
yeah there's generalization, but I do thing that eg (AGI technical alignment strategy, AGI lab and government strategy, AI welfare, AGI capabilities strategy) are sufficiently different that experts at one will be significantly behind experts on the others
Thanks for writing this post. I agree with the sentiment but feel it important to highlight that it is inevitable that people assume you have good strategy takes.
In Monty Python's "Life of Brian" there is a scene in which the titular character finds himself surrounded by a mob of people declaring him the Mesiah. Brian rejects this label and flees into the desert, only to find himself standing in a shallow hole, surrounded by adherents. They declare that his reluctance to accept the title is further evidence that he really is the Mesiah.
To my knowledge nobody thinks that you are the literal Messiah but plenty of people going into AI Safety are heavily influenced by your research agenda. You work at Deepmind and have mentored a sizeable number of new researchers through MATS. 80,000 Hours lists you as example of someone with a successful career in Technical Alignment research.
To some, the fact that you request people not to blindly trust your strategic judgement is evidence that you are humble, grounded and pragmatic, all good reasons to trust your strategic judgement.
It is inevitable that people will view your views on the Theory of Change for Interpretability as aithoritative. You could literally repeat this post verbatim at the end of every single AI safety/interpretability talk you give, and some portion of junior researchers will still leave the talk defering to your strategic judgement.
Yes, I agree. It's very annoying for general epistemics (though obviously pragmatically useful to me in various ways if people respect my opinion)
Though, to be clear, my main goal in writing this post was not to request that people defer less to me specifically, but more to make the general point about please defer more intelligently using myself as an example and to avoid calling any specific person out
I completely agree on the importance of strategic thinking. Personally, I like to hear what early AI pioneers had to say about modeling AI. For example, Minsky's society of mind. I believe the trend of AI must be informed by the development of epistemology, and I’ve basically bet my research on the idea that epistemological progress will shape AGI
What do you mean with 'must'? The word has to different meanings in this context and it seems bad epistemology not to distinguish them.
My use of “must” wasn’t just about technical necessity, but rather a philosophical or strategic imperative — that we ought to inform AGI not only through recent trends in deep learning (say, post-2014), but also by drawing from longer-standing academic traditions, like epistemic logic.
TL;DR Having a good research track record is some evidence of good big-picture takes, but it's weak evidence. Strategic thinking is hard, and requires different skills. But people often conflate these skills, leading to excessive deference to researchers in the field, without evidence that that person is good at strategic thinking specifically. I certainly try to have good strategic takes, but it's hard, and you shouldn't assume I succeed!
I often find myself giving talks or Q&As about mechanistic interpretability research. But inevitably, I'll get questions about the big picture: "What's the theory of change for interpretability?", "Is this really going to help with alignment?", "Does any of this matter if we can’t ensure all labs take alignment seriously?". And I think people take my answers to these way too seriously.
These are great questions, and I'm happy to try answering them. But I've noticed a bit of a pathology: people seem to assume that because I'm (hopefully!) good at the research, I'm automatically well-qualified to answer these broader strategic questions. I think this is a mistake, a form of undue deference that is both incorrect and unhelpful. I certainly try to have good strategic takes, and I think this makes me better at my job, but this is far from sufficient. Being good at research and being good at high level strategic thinking are just fairly different skillsets!
But isn’t someone being good at research strong evidence they’re also good at strategic thinking? I personally think it’s moderate evidence, but far from sufficient. One key factor is that a very hard part of strategic thinking is the lack of feedback. Your reasoning about confusing long-term factors need to extrapolate from past trends and make analogies from things you do understand better, and it can be quite hard to tell if what you're saying is complete bullshit or not. In an empirical science like mechanistic interpretability, however, you can get a lot more feedback. I think there's a certain kind of researcher who thrives in environments where they can get lots of feedback, but has much worse performance in domains without, where they e.g. form bad takes about the strategic picture and just never correct them because there's never enough evidence to convince them otherwise. It's just a much harder and rarer skill set to be good at something in the absence of good feedback.
Having good strategic takes is hard, especially in a field as complex and uncertain as AGI Safety. It requires clear thinking about deeply conceptual issues, in a space where there are many confident yet contradictory takes, and a lot of superficially compelling yet simplistic models. So what does it take?
Factors of Good Strategic Takes
As discussed above, ability to think clearly about thorny issues is crucial, and is a rare skill that is only somewhat used in empirical research. Lots of research projects I do feel more like plucking the low hanging fruit. I do think someone doing ground-breaking research is better evidence here, like Chris Olah’s original circuits work, especially if done multiple times (once could just be luck!). Though even then, it's evidence of the ability to correctly pursue ambitious research goals, but not necessarily to identify which ones will actually matter come AGI.
Domain knowledge of the research area is important. However, the key thing is not necessarily deep technical knowledge, but rather enough competence to tell when you're saying something deeply confused. Or at the very least, enough ready access to experts that you can calibrate yourself. You also need some sense of what the technique is likely to eventually be capable of and what limitations it will face.
But you don't necessarily need deep knowledge of all the recent papers so you can combine all the latest tricks. Being good at writing inference code efficiently or iterating quickly in a Colab notebook—these skills are crucial to research but just aren't that relevant to strategic thinking, except insofar as they potentially build intuitions.
Time spent thinking about the issue definitely helps, and correlates with research experience. Having my day job be hanging out with other people who think about the AGI safety problem is super useful. Though note that people's opinions are often substantially reflections of the people they speak to most, rather than what’s actually true.
It’s also useful to just know what people in the field believe, so I can present an aggregate view - this is something where deferring to experienced researchers makes sense.
I think there's also diverse domain expertise that's needed for good strategic takes that isn't needed for good research takes, and most researchers (including me) haven't been selected for having, e.g.:
Having good strategic takes is important, and I think that researchers, especially those in research leadership positions, should spend a fair amount of time trying to cultivate them, and I’m trying to do this myself. But regardless of the amount of effort, there is a certain amount of skill required to be good at this, and people vary a lot in this skill.
Going forwards, if you hear someone's take about the strategic picture, please ask yourself, "What evidence do I have that this person is actually good at the skill of strategic takes?" And don't just equivocate this with them having written some impressive papers!
Practically, I recommend just trying to learn about lots of people's views, aim for deep and nuanced understanding of them (to the point that you can argue them coherently to someone else), and trying to reach some kind of overall aggregated perspective. Trying to form your own views can also be valuable, though I think also somewhat overrated.
Thanks to Jemima Jones for poking me to take agency and write a blog post for the first time in forever.