Disclaimer: English is a foreign language for me. If you find any mistakes please inform me.

I am currently looking for information on cryonics since I have the intention to sign up. My current organization of choice is the Cryonics Institute with their one-time fee of $1,250 at sign-up and $28,000 for cryo-preservation which is an excellent offer given my age. I understand that most people choose to pay for cryopreservation by life-insurance. Since the cost of cryopreservation is lower than the €30,000 most insurers here in Germany take as minimum payout I still would have money left and wonder if I could put this money in some kind of trust to pay for "revival" and have some money in that future. Do any of you have plans like that and could share their information?

Also, do I understand correctly that the $28,000 at the Cryonics Institute are for cryopreservation only and that $88,000 figure is for cryopreservation, standby and transport to Michigan? In that case I of course need to get life insurance with higher pay-out but at my age that should not be a problem.

Are there any other institutes that offer cryopreservation of at least the brain that I should consider? I know of Alcor (expensive, I do not see the benefits) and KryoRus (seems cheap and require continuous funding that could be handled by a trust fund). Are there more I should know of?

If you have ideas, information I should consider or question I need to have answered, please feel free to reply in the comments.

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Minor mistakes: In English, currency symbols generally go before numbers, and for large numbers you separate digits into groups of three with commas to make them easier to read. So you would write $28,000 instead of 28000$. Life insurance isn't typically hyphenated. One-time-fee should be "one-time fee". (The rules for hyphens are kind of tricky. In this case, the words in "one-time" together make up a single modifier, so we put them together. "Fee" is being described by that modifier, so it doesn't get included.)

Your English is generally quite good for a foreign speaker, so please don't be discouraged by my nitpicks.


Nitpicks are the difference between "quite good" and "perfect." I strive for the latter. ;)

That's precisely why I wanted to help. :D

Suspended Animation does not currently provides Standby, Stabilization, and Transport (SST) service outside of the United States. Cryonics Institute Members in Europe pay the Cryonics Institute $28,000 if they are Lifetime Members for perfusion and storage services. Costs of transport are additional, and if there is to be Standby, Stabilization, or Transport, additional arrangements can be made with funeral directors, local volunteer groups (of which there is a very active one in Germany), or EuCrio. You can make your arrangements with the Cryonics Institute for $28,000 and make other arrangements with others at the same time or later.

Also, do I understand correctly that the 28000$ at the Cryonics Institute are for cryopreservation only and that 88000$ figure is for cryopreservation, standby and transport to michigan?

That would appear to be the case. According to their website, $88,000 gets you a lifetime membership, plus a contract with Suspended Animation to wait at your deathbed, preserve you as soon as your heart stops, and send you to Michigan. I don't know if Suspended Animation is able to do standby for overseas patients, though. As for a trust, you should probably consult a lawyer or some sort of financial advisor--I don't know enough to help you, especially since you're in Germany.


How is transportation (preservation during transport) managed?

I've heard of a U-Haul being used. It's not as crazy as it sounds -- you need something that can be obtained at a moment's notice to get you to the airport or straight to the facility, and U-Hauls are extremely easy to get and inexpensive. For air travel I think there's a kind of metal casket used for shipping dead bodies, and what they do is fill it with ice and fiberglass insulation.

By the time they are being shipped, the patient should already be near zero degrees C. Either blood washout or immersion in an ice bath with CPS would be used to cool them. Washout is a more complex surgical procedure so it is harder to train for and there is more that can go wrong in an emergency situation. Ice bath cooling is simpler, but the cooling rate (even using a thumper and a squid) is worse, since the heat has to get through the skin.

Good question, I have to research that.



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