Christopher Hitchens is probably dying of cancer. Hitchens is a well known author, journalist and militant atheist. Having read much of his work I believe he is also a very high IQ rationalist who enjoys being provocative. He has written "I am quietly resolved to resist bodily as best I can, even if only passively, and to seek the most advanced advice."
Hitchens should be extremely receptive to cryonics. Convincing him to signup would do much for the cryonics movement in part because he would immediately become our most articulate member.
I have written to him about cryonics, but I suspect he is getting tens of thousands of emails and probably won't ever even read mine. I propose that the Less Wrong community attempt to get Hitchens to at least seriously consider cryonics. We could do this by mass emailing him and by linking to this blogpost.
Here is an article in which he talks about his cancer. His email address is at the end of the article.
If a chance is sufficiently slight, it's not worth putting a substantial amount of money into. You're moving into Pascal's Wager territory.
If the chance also has a huge payoff, then it can be worth it.
And yes this is very much like Pascals Wager, But Pascal's Wager is a correct form of argument for a course of action, if the numbers come out right. It's just a standard risk analysis.
Pascal's Wager is fallacious when used as an argument for the truth of the matter.