Discussion article for the meetup : Mountain View: Reinforcement

WHEN: 16 April 2013 07:30:00PM (-0700)

WHERE: 167 Jasmine Ct, Mountain View, CA

I just read Karen Pryor's Don't Shoot the Dog. It's full of things relevant to our interests, like:

  • how to learn skills and good habits
  • how to unlearn unwanted behavior and bad habits
  • how to attach behavior to a trigger

and so on. I suspect this is fundamental stuff if you're interested in becoming an excellent human.

I'll basically present the contents of Don't Shoot the Dog, highlighting those points most salient to our interests. I'd love to have a conversation about what it'd look like to take these ideas seriously..

And also, let's play the Training Game, therein described, which sounds silly and enlightening. "Silly and enlightening" is my favorite combination. :D

Hope to see you there!

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Discussion article for the meetup : Mountain View: Reinforcement

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