Last month's Cambridge, Massachusetts meetup was a success, with six people in attendance and some very interesting discussions. Meetups will recur on the third Sunday of each month, so the next one is this week, at the same time and place: 4pm at the Clear Conscience Cafe at 581 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA, near the Central Square T station. Please comment if you plan to attend.

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As a lurker, I may go to that place and eavesdrop.

I was the guy sitting across from you reading "Yoga Time Travel."

You should've spoken up and joined us. Although I must admit that the forum lurker/meetup eavesdropper connection is amusing. I hope you'll come to the next one as an active participant.

Y'know, I thought that was an extremely odd book to be near a Less Wrong meetup. Is the title counterintuitive? Were you being ironic? Or are you a unique-ish contrarian?

This comment reads as very humorous when one notes it's a reply to yourself. (I'm not sure if that was the intent.)

I am likely to appear. (I'm also something of a lurker. Hi.)

Oh, that Cambridge. I was just trying to work out if I could make it, but no :-)

EDIT: might be best to refer to "Cambridge, MA" in the subject line - cheers!

Same here. :)

I plan to be there, but then, I planned to be there last time and wasn't, so possibly I need to recalibrate.

I may be there, say 75% chance.

I just went by and didn't notice anyone, in fact it seemed like all the space was taken. Is it stil happening?

Sorry we missed you, Robin. There was a small sign, but, yes, the place was very crowded.

Possibly attending. Slightly over 50% chance of attending. I have other obligations before then and they may run late.