Most equilibria aren't "final", though some may last quite awhile. Candidates for some longer-term equilibria (not in desirability nor likelihood order):
It's not clear that "wearing respirators" is anything but a transition, and an extension of time to minimize the pain while getting to an actual long-term situation.
Herd immunity may not be reachable since we did not know how long the immune effects could last for infected people.
After two years, should this post get more upvotes?
We need to think earlier, before too late. Nobody could exclude the possibility that the COVID would last tens of years. I did have some knowledge of genetic algorithm and understand the power of small mutation. Hope more research could be done to control/predict the consequence of mutation, as the mutation itself is not predictable.
Should be smaller R0. However, I meant not to fix it. It took 22 months that CDC start considering to recommend N95 and some areas (Salt Lake city) starts giving free N95.
People who did not understand the richness,fastness, unpredictable, of COVID's mution could not appreciate my conclusoin two years ago.
As discussed and analyses in the below posts, "enough people wearing respirators" could be an equilibrium point of the final social evolution under the selective pressure of COVID-19, because people wearing resprator (and gloves) could block the propagating path of the virus and lead to smarespiratorll R0.
Could anybody provide other candidates of the final equilibrium point?