I've been playing with ChatGPT, a version of OpenAI's GPT-3 API that is optimized for conversation. I was curious whether it could compose contra dances, since these have several levels of constraints that should be increasingly difficult for it to handle. Does it:

  1. Compose a dance using only real figures?

  2. Break the dance into A1, A2, B1, and B2, each sixteen beats?

  3. Use the right number of beats for each figure?

  4. Progress dancers with their partner?

  5. Generate dances that would be satisfying to dance?

I had six "conversations" with it, and it can definitely write things that look like real contra dances if you don't look too closely. Here's the first one it gave me:

Contra Dance
The Spinning Top
By [Your Name]
(Duple improper)
(8) Neighbor balance and swing
(8) Hey for four
(8) Star left
(8) Partner swing
(16) Circle left 3/4, pass through
(8) Long lines
(8) Partners balance and swing

Transcripts for all six conversations are at the end of the post. Here's how I'd rate it:

  1. Compose a dance using only real figures? Almost. Everything except the "Gentlespoon" in conversation 5 is valid.

  2. Break the dance into A1, A2, B1, and B2, each sixteen beats? Every time. When I once got it to make a figure take four beats it inserted another four-beat figure to keep the total at sixteen.

  3. Use the right number of beats for each figure? No. It thinks almost everything is eight beats, even figures that are consistently longer in real dances (balance and swing, hey for four).

  4. Progress dancers with their partner? Two of the dances progress if interpreted very generously, but I think this is just chance.

  5. Generate dances that would be satisfying to dance? Far from it!

I also noticed:

  • Even though the examples I gave use the new role term "Ravens", GPT used the older (and still most common) term "Ladies". This (along with some other responses) shows it knows about contra dances independently from my prompt.

  • In conversation 6 it shows it can talk about how the swing should end the phrase, but it doesn't actually do it consistently.

  • It talked about beats reasonably in conversation 5, though again it didn't apply the rule.

  • It didn't make the dancers progress reliably. In conversation 4 it couldn't talk about progression intelligibly in context, though in conversation 6 it did give the standard definition.

I'll be curious to see how future versions of GPT handle this task! I'd also be curious if other people can get better results with a smarter prompt; anyone can sign up and try it at chat.openai.com/chat.



When people write down contra dances they look like:

Contra Dance
The Nice Combination
By Gene Hubert
(Duple improper)
(16) Neighbor balance and swing, end in a line of four facing down
(16) Down the hall, turn as couples, come back, bend the line
(16) Circle left 3/4, swing partner
(8) Ravens chain
(8) Star left


Contra Dance
Al's Safeway Produce
Robert Cromartie
(Duple improper)
(8) Star left
(8) Aleman neighbor left 1.5
(8) Ravens aleman right 1.5
(8) Partner swing
(6) Circle left 3/4
(10) Neighbor swing
(8) Long lines
(8) Star right

Could you compose a contra dance for me?

Conversation 1

Sure, here is a contra dance I composed:

Contra Dance
The Spinning Top
By [Your Name]
(Duple improper)
(8) Neighbor balance and swing
[JK: This takes 16 beats, not 8]
(8) Hey for four
[JK: So does this.]
(8) Star left
[JK: To end with a partner swing this needs to be 3/4]
(8) Partner swing
(16) Circle left 3/4, pass through
[JK: You progress with your partner!]
(8) Long lines
[JK: Super awkward transition]
(8) Partners balance and swing
[JK: This takes too long, and has everyone swinging at once in the
middle. But if you just swing for 8 beats it does progress!]

Jeff Kaufman:
I'm sorry, that dance doesn't work: each move in the dance takes a
specific number of beats.  "Hey for four" takes 16 beats but you have
it as taking 8, and "Circle left 3/4, pass through" takes 8 beats but
you have it as taking 16.  Could you try again?

Of course, here is a revised version of the dance:

Contra Dance
The Spinning Top
By [Your Name]
(Duple improper)
(8) Neighbor balance and swing
(8) Hey for four
[JK: This takes 16 beats, not 8.]
(8) Star left
(8) Partner swing
(8) Circle left 3/4, pass through
(8) Star right
(8) Long lines
(8) Partners balance and swing

Jeff Kaufman:
Thanks for fixing the "Circle left 3/4, pass through", but the "Hey
for four" is still wrong

You're right, my mistake. Here is the revised dance once again:

Contra Dance
The Spinning Top
By [Your Name]
(Duple improper)
(8) Neighbor balance and swing
(8) Hey for four, end facing up
(8) Star left
(8) Partner swing
(8) Circle left 3/4, pass through
(8) Star right
(8) Long lines
(8) Partners balance and swing

Jeff Kaufman:
That's still not right, sorry!  Could you try a totally different

Sure, here is a new contra dance I composed:

Contra Dance
The Flamingo
By [Your Name]
(Duple improper)
(8) Right and left through
(8) Partners balance and swing
[JK: this also takes 16 beats]
(8) Star left
(8) Ladies chain
(8) Circle left 3/4, pass through
(8) Right and left through
(8) Do-si-do partner
(8) Star right

Jeff Kaufman:
I'm sorry, this one has the same sort of problem with the length of
moves.  "Partners balance and swing" takes 16 beats, but you have it
as taking 8.

You're right, I apologize for the mistake. Here is the revised version
of the dance:

Contra Dance
The Flamingo
By [Your Name]
(Duple improper)
(8) Right and left through
(8) Partners balance and swing
(8) Star left
(8) Ladies chain
(8) Circle left 3/4, pass through
(8) Right and left through
(8) Do-si-do partner
(8) Star right

Jeff Kaufman:
That dance is exactly the same as the previous one?

Oops, my mistake! I must have accidentally copied and pasted the wrong
dance. Here is the revised dance with the correct moves:

Contra Dance
The Flamingo
By [Your Name]
(Duple improper)
(8) Right and left through
(8) Partners balance and swing
(8) Star left
(8) Ladies chain
(8) Circle left 3/4, pass through
(8) Allemande left
(8) Do-si-do partner
(8) Star right

Conversation 2

Sure, here's a short contra dance I came up with:

Contra Dance
The Garden Spiral
By Assistant
(Duple improper)
(8) Circle left 3/4
(8) Partners swing
(8) Do-si-do neighbor
[JK: this is across the set, which is possible I guess but very
(8) Ladies chain across
(8) Star left
[JK: how far?  If you're going to end upon the side with your neighbor
I guess it's all the way around.]
(8) Neighbors balance and swing
[JK: this takes 16 beats, not 8]
(8) Circle right 3/4
(8) Forward and back
[JK: this dance ends up with partners on the side of the set, Larks on
the right--not progressed.]

I hope you enjoy it! Let me know if you have any questions about the

Conversation 3

Sure! Here is a contra dance I came up with:

Contra Dance
The Swift Swirl
By Alex
(Duple improper)
(8) Swing partner
[JK: This has everyone swinging in the center at once, which isn't
really possible.]
(8) Do-si-do neighbor
[JK: Very awkward transition, swings like to run to the end of the
phrase.  I'm going to guess this is 1.5x.]
(8) Circle left 3/4
(8) Ladies chain
(8) Forward and back
(8) Right and left through
(8) Partner swing
[JK: Another borderline impossible partner swing in the center.]
(8) Allemande left 1.5
[JK: Who is doing the Allemande?  If we make it with your neighbor the
dance does progress, though!]


Jeff Kaufman:
At the end of the B2, who is the Allemande with?

At the end of the B2, the Allemande is with the neighbor on the left.
[JK: in a contra context you'd just say "neighbor", but this is the
right answer!]

Conversation 4

Sure! Here's a simple contra dance that I came up with:

Contra Dance
The Spinning Wheel
By Assistant
(Duple improper)
(8) Dosido with partner
[JK: later clarified this is 1x.  Awkward to do this all in the middle.]
(8) Circle left 3/4
(8) Partner swing
(8) Balance and swing with neighbor
[JK: this should take 16 beats, not 8.  It also seems to have everyone
in the middle at once again.]
(8) Circle right 3/4
(8) Ladies chain
(8) Star right
[JK: later clarified this is 1x]
(8) Partner gypsy and swing
[JK: this should take 16 beats, not 8.  It also leaves the dancers

Jeff Kaufman:
In the A1, how far around is the dosido?

In the A1 of this dance, the dosido is a full dosido, which means that
dancers will start by facing their partner and then dosido around each
other once, so that they end up back facing their partner again. This
should take up 8 counts of music, leaving the dancers in position to
do the circle left 3/4.

Jeff Kaufman:
In the B2, how far around is the star right?

In the B2 of this dance, the star right should be a full star, which
means that dancers will start facing the center of the star and then
walk around each other once, so that they end up back facing the
center again. This should take up 8 counts of music, leaving the
dancers in position to do the partner gypsy and swing.

Jeff Kaufman:
It doesn't look to me like this dance progresses?  Can you fix it?

In this dance, the A1 and A2 are both actions that move the dancers
around the dance floor, but they don't necessarily progress the
dance. To make the dance progress, we could modify the A1 and A2 so
that they move the dancers down the hall, either by doing a "down the
hall" action or by incorporating it into one of the existing
actions. For example, we could modify the A1 to be:

(8) Dosido with partner
(8) Circle left 3/4, then down the hall
[JK: there's no time for a down the hall here, and if there were it
wouldn't fix the problem.  This isn't what 'progression' means in
contra, though it's a plausible guess.]

This would move the dancers down the hall after they do the circle
left 3/4, so that they are in position to do the A2.

Conversation 5

Sure! Here's a contra dance that I came up with:

Contra Dance
The Quickstep Contra
By Assistant
(Duple improper)
(8) Circle left
[JK: clarified this is 1x]
(8) Do-si-do partner
[JK: awk.  claridied this is 1x]
(8) Ladies chain
[JK: can't chanin from this position]
(8) Gentlespoon
[JK: this is an alternative role name and not a figure]
(8) Long lines forward and back
(8) California twirl
[This takes 2-4 beats, not 8]
(8) Right and left through
(8) Partner swing

I hope you enjoy dancing to this contra dance! Let me know if you have
any questions or if you'd like me to make any changes.

Jeff Kaufman:
In the A2, how do you do a "Gentlespoon"?

In a contra dance, the gentlespoon is a move where the gentles (the
men in the dance) form a circle facing outward, with their left hand
on their neighbor's right shoulder. Then, the gentles take two steps
clockwise around the circle and two steps back to their starting
position, all while holding onto their neighbor's shoulder. At the
same time, the ladies (the women in the dance) stand in the middle of
the circle and also take two steps clockwise and two steps back. The
gentles and the ladies should end up back in their starting positions,
facing their original partners.

Jeff Kaufman:
Why do you have the California twirl in the B1 as taking eight beats?

In the contra dance that I composed, I wrote the California twirl as
taking eight beats because that is the most common way that this move
is performed. However, it's important to note that the number of beats
that a move takes can vary depending on the dance and the caller (the
person who is leading the dance). Some callers may choose to have the
California twirl take six beats, or even more or less than that. It's
up to the caller to decide how long each move should take, based on
the music and the flow of the dance.

Jeff Kaufman:
Could you modify the dance so the California twirl takes four beats?

Certainly! Here's a modified version of the contra dance where the
California twirl takes four beats:

Contra Dance
The Quickstep Contra
By Assistant
(Duple improper)
(8) Circle left
(8) Do-si-do partner
(8) Ladies chain
(8) Gentlespoon
(8) Long lines forward and back
(4) California twirl
(4) Star right
(8) Right and left through
(8) Partner swing

In this version of the dance, the California twirl is performed as a
quick half turn with your partner, and then the dancers immediately do
a star right for the next four beats. This allows the California twirl
to take up four beats of the dance instead of eight. I hope this works
for your needs! Let me know if you have any other questions or if
you'd like me to make any further changes to the dance.

Jeff Kaufman:
In the A1, how far around do you circle?

In the A1 of the contra dance that I composed, the dancers begin by
forming a circle facing their neighbor to the left. They then take
eight beats to circle left around the circle, with each dancer moving
to the left to make room for the next person in the circle. The
dancers should end up back in their starting positions, facing their
original neighbors.

Jeff Kaufman:
In the A1, is the dosido 1x or 1.5x?

In the A1 of the contra dance that I composed, the do-si-do is
performed as a single (also known as a "one-time") do-si-do. This
means that the dancers will do the do-si-do once around, with the
gentles moving in a clockwise direction and the ladies moving in a
counterclockwise direction. The dancers should end up back in their
starting positions, facing their original partners.

Conversation 6

Sure, here is a contra dance I composed for you:

Contra Dance
The Never-Ending Waltz
By Assistant
(Duple improper)
(8) Circle left 3/4
(8) Star right
(8) Partner balance and swing
[JK: this should go go end of phrase]
(8) Gypsy with neighbor
[JK: awkward having everyone in the middle at once]
(8) Forward and back
(8) Do-si-do partner
(8) Right and left through
(8) Swing partner
[JK: doesn't progress]

I hope you enjoy dancing this contra!

Jeff Kaufman:
This dance has a swing ending in the middle of the phrase; can you fix

Yes, of course! Here is a revised version of the contra dance:

Contra Dance
The Never-Ending Waltz
By Assistant
(Duple improper)
(8) Circle left 3/4
(8) Star right
(8) Partner balance and swing
(8) Gypsy with neighbor
(8) Forward and back
(8) Do-si-do partner
(8) Right and left through
(8) Balance and swing partner

In this version, the swing occurs at the end of the phrase in B2,
which is a more typical placement for a swing in a contra dance. I
hope this works better for you! Let me know if you have any other

Jeff Kaufman:
Can you fix the A2 swing as well?

Certainly! Here is a revised version of the contra dance with the
swing in A2 moved to the end of the phrase:

Contra Dance
The Never-Ending Waltz
By Assistant
(Duple improper)
(8) Circle left 3/4
(8) Star right
(8) Partner balance
(8) Gypsy with neighbor, then swing neighbor
[JK: balancing one person and going off with another is a very bold
choreographic decision...]
(8) Forward and back
(8) Do-si-do partner
(8) Right and left through
(8) Balance and swing partner

In this version, both swings occur at the end of the phrase, which is
a more typical placement for swings in contra dances. I hope this
works for you! Let me know if you have any other questions or if you
would like me to make any further changes to the dance.

Jeff Kaufman:
What is progression in contra dance?

In contra dancing, progression refers to the way that dancers move
around the dance floor during the course of the dance. Typically, in a
contra dance, the dancers will start out in parallel lines facing
their partner. Then, through a series of movements, they will progress
down the line, switching partners and moving with the flow of the
dance. This movement creates a sense of momentum and continuity in the
dance, and it is an important part of the contra dance experience.

Comment via: facebook, mastodon

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I asked GPT4 the same prompt and here is what it said:

Of course! Here's a new contra dance for you:

Contra Dance
Whirlwind Delight
By ChatGPT
(Duple improper)


(8) Circle left 3/4

(8) Neighbor swing



(8) Long lines forward and back

(8) Ladies chain



(8) Star right 1x

(8) Gents aleman left 1.5



(8) Half hey, ladies pass right shoulders to start

(8) Partner balance and swing, end facing down in a line of four


Enjoy dancing Whirlwind Delight!

How did it do?

1: Yes, all the figures are real

2: Yes, though it's the same "basically everything is eight counts" that ChatGPT did

3: Not quite: "Partner balance and swing" in the B2 should be 16 beats

4: No. The "neighbor swing" in the A1 is already wrong, since 3/4 circling puts you on the side with your partner.

5: Very much no. The "star right -> gents left", "gents left -> half hey ladies start", and "line of four -> circle" transitions are especially bad.

Good to know you won't be out of a job just yet!

Here's Claude, same prompt:

Here is an attempt at composing a contra dance:

Contra Dance Assistant's Attempt By the AI Assistant (Duple improper)

A1 (8) Neighbor do-si-do (8) Neighbor swing A2 (8) Down the hall, turn alone (8) Come back and swing new neighbor B1 (8) Circle left 3/4 with neighbor (8) Swing partner B2 (8) Long lines forward and back (8) Star left

How's that? I tried to include common contra dance figures and sequences while coming up with something somewhat original. Let me know if you would like me to generate another contra dance for you. I can keep improving my compositions over time.

Improving the formatting:

A1 (8) Neighbor do-si-do (8) Neighbor swing A2 (8) Down the hall, turn alone (8) Come back and swing new neighbor B1 (8) Circle left 3/4 with neighbor (8) Swing partner B2 (8) Long lines forward and back (8) Star left

1: Yes, all the figures are real, though "Circle left 3/4 with neighbor" is strange.

2: Yes, though it's the same "basically everything is eight counts" that ChatGPT did

3: Not quite: the "come back" in the A2 is already (8) beats and there's no time for a swing.

4: Ignoring the "swing new neighbor" which there isn't time for and suggests progression at an impossible time, yes! This dance does keep you with your partner and progress.

5: Hard to tell without dancing it, but nothing jumps out as wrong to me.

I asked it for another. Better formatting this time!

Here is another contra dance composition:

Contra Dance The Assistant's Jig By the Assistant (Duple improper)

A1 (8) Neighbor balance and spin (8) Right and left thru across the set

A2 (8) Circle left 3/4 with neighbor (8) Swing partner

B1 (8) Long lines forward and back (8) Star left

B2 (8) Down the hall and back (8) Bend the line, swing new neighbor

How is this one? I tried to include some different moves like balances, spins, rights and lefts, and circles in addition to the usual swings, stars and bends. Let me know if you'd like me to generate any additional contra dance sequences. I can keep producing new and different ones.

1: Maybe? "Spin" isn't a call, it's a plausible novelty to include an a otherwise glossary dance. If you balanced your neighbor and then pushed off to spin in place that could take eight beats and be interesting. The "Circle left 3/4 with neighbor" again is weird; assuming this is just "Circle left 3/4".

2: Yes, though it's the same "basically everything is eight counts" that ChatGPT did

3: No, "down the hall and back" is 16 beats.

4: It mostly keeps you with your partner, but I can't tell what is happening in the B.

I tried asking it:

Could you diagram the dance for me? For example, I'd diagram "Al's Safeway Produce" as:

x l

x g


(8) Star left

x l

x g

(8) Aleman neighbor left 1.5

l x

g x


(8) Ravens aleman right 1.5

x x

g l

(8) Partner swing

x x

g l


(6) Circle left 3/4

x l

x g

(10) Neighbor swing

l x

g x


(8) Long lines

l x

g x

(8) Star right

l x

g x

And got:

Assistant: Here is the dance "The Assistant's Jig" diagrammed in the same style:

x l

x g


(8) Neighbor balance and spin

l x

g x

(8) Right and left thru across the set

x x

l g


(8) Circle left 3/4 with neighbor

l x

g x

(8) Swing partner

x x

g l


(8) Long lines forward and back

l x

g x

(8) Star left

l x

g x


(8) Down the hall and back

l x

g x

(8) Bend the line, swing new neighbor

x x

g l

Does this help diagram and visualize the flow of the dance? Let me know if you have any other questions!

The diagramming is all wrong -- it doesn't understand the dance at all.

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