I am currently writing a book and have realized I want to cite Rationality as one of my sources and I'm not sure (a) how to cite the work (in the Chicago author-date style, or (b) how to classify it under the Library of Congress system, which is the system I use for sorting my books (even electronic ones).  I'm pretty sure I can work out (a) on my own but checking for how books on rationality have previously been classified, they seem all over the map, so some help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

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Well, since I didn't get any suggestions, I've gone ahead and filed it as:

B105.T54 2015 - Rationality – From AI to Zombies

Which classifies it as Philosophy / Special Topics / Thought and Thinking

And I plan to cite it in the form of:

Yudkowsky, Eliezer. "Rationality-From AI to Zombies, page ###."

Maybe better to cite as Yudkowsky, Eliezer. "Rationality-From AI to Zombies, [essay title]."? 

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