I'll also try to get along. I live near the mountains but I'm pretty sure I can find a way to attend.
Do try. As said I will be there (and presumably at least one associate) regardless, If only to reinforce that I will attend regardless.
Probably worth noting that last time the majority of attendees where lurkers.
Discussion article for the meetup : Less Wrong in Sydney
WHEN: 04 August 2011 07:00:00PM (+1000)
WHERE: The Promenade, King Street Wharf, Sydney NSW 2000
Exact location is King Street Brewhouse, which is up for negotiation given dietary needs. Hey all, figured it's about time to try and Less wrong meet up again. Attendance was good last time, but perhaps some sort of focus would have been better. Hence, i suppose a Basics of rationality discourse might be good, alongside some practical application stories. Or if it turns out we are all amateurs, practical application plans! I'll be wearing a white suit jacket and reading something horrid behind a less wrong sign from 6:30 till 8:00 regardless of circumstances.
Discussion article for the meetup : Less Wrong in Sydney