I see karma on posts fluctuating (in particular going down) more than I would expect coming from other vote-based websites. Is downvoting really used here for posts that are not spam or trolling? Or do people just change their minds a lot?
The FAQ has: We encourage people to vote such that upvote means “I want to see more of this” and downvote means “I want to see less of this.” But I guess I’m surprised if people actually behave that way? And that some posts are controversial enough to receive active downvotes vs passive ignoring.
In practice I think people don't do a great job separating "disagree" with "I don't want to see this" because disagreeing often implies not wanting to see something for many people. I wish the norm were less focused on what I want to see and more on what I think is worth being seen by people reading LW.
I think this shift from personal preference to a focus on curating content for others shifts the approach to voting in a way that is likely to better result in votes that reflect what is worth reading when a person comes to the site rather than what people on LW like.
(I previously have had more to say on voting on LW)