I see karma on posts fluctuating (in particular going down) more than I would expect coming from other vote-based websites. Is downvoting really used here for posts that are not spam or trolling? Or do people just change their minds a lot?
The FAQ has: We encourage people to vote such that upvote means “I want to see more of this” and downvote means “I want to see less of this.” But I guess I’m surprised if people actually behave that way? And that some posts are controversial enough to receive active downvotes vs passive ignoring.
It’s surprising to me because it feels very different from other similar voting systems, and I was expecting people to carry over habits from those places.
Maybe controversial was the wrong word. It still feels like “actively want to see less of” is a much stronger reaction than my default to posts I didn’t think were particularly great. But quite possibly that’s on me. It’s also surprising to me that there is so much lack of consensus on whether people want more or less of certain posts.