The Suchir Balaji Autopsy Report came out recently
Overall, I think it’s quite compelling evidence it was a suicide.
The points against it being suicide are:
The points for it are:
General notes summarizing the report:
It's surprising he bought the gun so long in advance. There should be footage of him buying it I think as required by California law.
A lot of suicides are impulse decisions, and access to firearms is a known suicide risk factor.
People often commit suicide with weapons they bought months, years or even decades ago - not because they planned their suicide this far ahead, but because they used a firearm that was already available.
The understanding is, without a gun at hand, suicidal people often opt for other suicide methods - ones that take much longer to set up and are far less reliable. This gives them more time and sometimes more chances to reconsider - and many of them do.
I mean, suicide seems much more likely to me given the circumstances... but I also would describe this as compelling evidence. Like, if he had been killed and there wasn't a fight, him being drunk makes sense as a way to have pre-rendered him helpless by someone planning to kill him? Similarly, wouldn't a cold-blooded killer be expected to be wearing gloves and to place Suchir's hand on the gun before shooting him?
I agree that a skilled murderer could try make the death look like suicide, but each of the places where the murderer would need to make the death look like a suicide would add an additional failure point with a greater chance of producing some inconsistency.
On Suchir being drunk, according to his parents, he came back from a birthday trip to LA with his friends on Friday. So, this might explain why he was drunk. We don't know exactly when he got back though / whether he was drunk when he got back / whether he got drunk afterwards.
Originally, the parents visited the apartment with George Webb, who was an independent journalist and a bit of a conspiracy theorist. On that visit, George Webb said that there was hair under the doorframe in a way that was unusual. Suchir's mother also discusses it in the Tucker Carlson interview (starting at 26:00).
There was no mention of a wig in the police report, though.
what was up with the alleged wig?