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You are given 2 options for your reincarnation.


Option 1:

You reincarnate into an unforgiving brute who terrorises and kills every "sorry" victim in the maximally worst conceivable way, although your victims ultimately end up reunited with god in heaven and they are “compensated” for this ordeal. You know this secret yet are NOT allowed to share this detail with anyone. Animosity and hostility surely build up by members of society who are reasonably critical and distraught by your deplorable actions. The fear and moral panic you encourage give rise to an increasingly decadent society full of mass hysteria which thus lead to the advent of copycats, and cult worship. The level of degeneracy, the suffering you inflict and the subjective originary aversion you feel becomes like a contracted debt which you are condemned to carry as a burden. You must “release” your subjects to ultimately save each and every soul in this “prison planet”. This taxing and arduous mission saps at your willpower and erodes your mental state to such a maximal extent that there is no conceivable explanation for why you continue, but you do because you Have to. You were and agreed to this pledge, this solemn promise despite knowledge of precisely the circumstances, conditions and project you were signing up to. What reward do you get???

None whatsoever, you are sentenced to damnation in the Devil’s realm itself, where the countless torment you inflicted in the material realm will be reversed back onto you. The plight, tribulation and trauma of every soul in the material world you crossed has been cast back upon you, and you are no such mortal to have the easy way out; the kiss of death as it were after but a fraction of the torment you delivered.


Option 2:

You reincarnate into a revered, pious and influential monk who leads a life of charity, virtue and wisdom, whose teachings lead others to a state of maximal satisfaction; Bliss, ataraxia, nirvana equanimity etc. Nonetheless your teachings, though seemingly noble, lead countless followers to Eternal damnation; Hell, the Realm of Satan  - The maximally conceivable evil being. Like the former option you are aware of your followers' ultimate fate yet you are NOT allowed to reveal this information to anybody. Such a requirement compels you like an invisible binding force -  directing your actions along this path. This is something you agreed to, and you knew full well what you were signing up to. You amass countless followers who admire your wisdom and archetypal virtue. Your teachings have ”saved” many lives and set others onto a path of grace, rectitude and all who come across your teachings find maximal satisfaction in their lives.

Your perturbed mind is reasonable because not only are you aware of the highway to hell you are engineering and sending others to, but you must also put up a false pretense and feign ignorance of the ultimate fate of your followers. This conflicting nature surely puts decadent courts to shame as you don a “convincingly graceful” smile (which must not falter) while knowingly leading your subjects to a lifetime of woe, dolour and tears. 

The weight of this insight surely saps away at your mental state and willpower yet you have to fulfill this role. Like the former option this ordeal is not only that which you have to do, if you accept but it is also something with intrinsic normative force attached.

What punishment do you get? Nope, you get a “reward” you get to join others in heaven; the “promised” land where your many “sins” you remember committing may be “washed” away yet like the redness of red itself, shall never fade away completely because you know exactly what you did but you are at liberty to reveal this information now. 




Hunter x Hunter, Snowpiercer, Gnosticism, Numerous interpretations of Jesus’ “betrayal” by Judas Iscariot, The Fifth seal, Hawkman Vol 5 2018 and Angel’s Egg

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