Discussion article for the meetup : Urbana-Champaign: Thinking Fast and Slow Discussion

WHEN: 03 November 2013 03:00:00PM (-0500)

WHERE: 40.109545,-88.227318

Coordinates are: 40.109545,-88.227318 Meetup will be held in the Courtyard Cafe in the Illini Union, on the ground floor, at 2PM.

Discussion will be about the first 70 pages of Thinking Fast and Slow, by Daniel Kahneman. Up to but not including "Norms, Surprises, and Causes."

If you don't have it, googling "Thinking Fast and Slow PDF" could help you find t' booty yer lookin' for, if ye be a swashbucklin' scallywag.

There will also be cookies.

Cross posted on the mailing list.

Discussion article for the meetup : Urbana-Champaign: Thinking Fast and Slow Discussion

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