1 min read


I've seen a recent claim that adding a summary to links is enough of an inconvenience that the links may not be getting posted. I suppose people aren't checking out the media threads for links.

As an experiment, I'm posting this as a place for links. Summaries/excerpts are optional-- please don't downvote links just for not having excerpts/summaries.

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A 2 minute youtube video

I'm not going to explain what it is because that would ruin the video.

Also since explaining the video ruins it, here is a link to rot13

That was completely worth 1:42 of my time.


The number of times I've read an article about something like this that gives it away in the title or opening before giving the reader a chance to experience it for themselves... thanks for not explaining.

A "game over" screen from the video game Balance of Power.

As seen on Reddit. Since the screen is just text, I'll go ahead and reproduce the text here:

You have ignited a nuclear war.

And no, there is no animated display of a mushroom cloud with parts of bodies flying through the air.

We do not reward failure.

I like to imagine that the developers of Shadow President, released some years later, looked at Balance of Power and went "market opportunity!".

You can access the mockery videos by Robert Gross once again.

Okay, honestly. I think they're pretty bad and lame.

But this recap of maybe the most funniest thing I've read on LessWrong is quite good. But the ending kinda ruins it, I don't think lukeprog is woman-objectifying misogyny rationalizing whatever, I just thought it was adorable.


Psychometrician tweets stuff on methodology & misconduct in psychology & statistics.

I can't see a reason as to why this would be a better place for posting links than the Open Thread.

I'm not sure, either, but I thought it would be a cheap experiment.

The spirit of Seth Roberts lives!

I think the norm of sweeping everything into the Open Thread has painted the community into a corner. Let's start posting Discussion posts again even if we're not sure it's a good idea.


There's a new subreddit for GIFs of cute baby elephants: http://www.reddit.com/r/babyelephantgifs