@KatjaGrace, Josh Hart I are finding quotes around different arguments for AI being an existential risk

Full list here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yB1QIHtA-EMPzqJ_57RvvftvXHTI5ZLAy921Y_8sn3U/edit 

Currently we are struggling to find proponents of the following arguments:

  • "Loss of control via speed" - that things that might otherwise go well are going to go badly because they are happening so fast
  • "Loss of control via inferiority" - if an actor is much less capable than other actors then they might slowly lose control of their resources (eg a child king)
  • "AI may produce or accelerate destructive multi-agent dynamics" - poorly defined, but in the direction of ‘one AI might be fine, but many AIs plus us in a competitive world will lead to outcomes nobody wants’
  • "Large impacts suggest large risks" - A pure argument from size, that the impacts will be big an that is concerning
  • "Black boxes" - We understand AI substantially less well than other new, impactful technologies
  • A good Yudkowsky quote for "Risk from competent malign agents", ie that AIs are a risk because they are competent and not aligned to us. I am confident that Yud thinks this but I struggle to find in less than 250 words

I would love any suggestion however vague of where you think good quotes are for proponents of these arguments.

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