[The Stanford-class.org scheme seems to be adding new courses every few days. Instead of a new post each time a new class is added, I commit to keeping this post stocked with links to all current course offerings until at least January 2012.]


Complex Systems

Model Thinking


Electrical Engineering

Information Theory


Civil Engineering

Making Green Buildings





[Cancelled] Entrepreneurship

The Lean Launchpad

Technology Entrepreneurship


Computer Science

Computer Science 101

Software as a Service

Human-Computer Interfaces

Natural Language Processing

Game Theory

Probabilistic Graphical Models

Machine Learning


Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Computer Security

[Ran Sept-Dec] Machine Learning

[Ran Sept-Dec] Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

[Ran Sept-Dec] Introduction to Databases

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The link you currently provide to Machine Learning is the one going on now. The url for the repeat is http://jan2012.ml-class.org/

Thanks, fixed!

I commit

Save your energy: http://www.class-central.com/

The new Model Thinking class seems especially applicable here, as it appears to be explicitly rationality-related. From the description, it looks promising.

I've signed up; it reads as doable, which some of the AI stuff reportedly hasn't been, I get the impression.

Not sure about your reports; as one data point I'm taking both AI and ML courses while working full time; they're quite doable (and I'm a rather average lw forum member as far as math is concerned). I have the impression at least the ML course has been slightly dumbed down for this wide an audience.

The ML class has definitely been dumbed down. The on campus class' notes and assignments are publicly viewable here.

I've found the AI class to be very doable, although a bit more of a time sink than I expected.


This page with an ATOM feed might be useful.


Awesome! Does anyone know whether the course material will stay up after the classes are completed? I won't have enough time to take all classes I'm interested in (actually, I'll probably not have the time for a single one of them) but would like to use them later.

This question came up in both the AI and DB classes. The answer for both was that the videos will definitely be available, and additional materials (quizzes, etc) might be available but it depends how the current experiment turns out.

I haven't taken previous classes, but it appears that all the videos from previous courses are available but all the homework is closed to the course.

I signed up for Computer Science 101 and am considering adding one more (probably Technology Entrepreneurship or Model Thinking). Let me know if you are interested in forming a study group.

We should form study groups!


Thank you!

Is there a standard duration for these? The descriptions neglect to mention any.

About two months/10 weeks.

Thank you.

Is it possible to access the course materials without signing up?

Instead of a new post each time a new class is added, I commit to keeping this post stocked with links to all current course offerings until at least January 2012.


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