Robin Hanson wrote this post a while back, which has since developed into a sort of inspiring slogan for how to achieve policy change: "Pull the Rope Sideways"
The policy world can thought of as consisting of a few Tug-O-War "ropes" set up in this high dimensional policy space. If you want to find a comfortable place in this world, where the people around you are reassured that you are "one of them," you need to continually and clearly telegraph your loyalty by treating each policy issue as another opportunity to find more supporting arguments for your side of the key dimensions. That is, pick a rope and pull on it.
If, however, you actually want to improve policy, if you have a secure enough position to say what you like, and if you can find a relevant audience, then prefer to pull policy ropes sideways. Few will bother to resist such pulls, and since few will have considered such moves, you have a much better chance of identifying a move that improves policy. On the few main dimensions, not only will you find it very hard to move the rope much, but you should have little confidence that you actually have superior information about which way the rope should be pulled.
I recently wrote in a casual slack channel:
Hanson introduced the term "pull the rope sideways" and I think it's a good concept. However the metaphor bugs me a bit. In a tug-o-war, is it actually the case that pulling sideways causes the rope to move much farther that if you pull the rope in one of the normie directions? Has anyone tested this? It's not obvious to me why this would be true.
Vigorous debate ensued. We bought some rope and did a quick test.
Contrary to the expectations of most people in the thread, pulling the rope sideways didn't seem to work -- the overall effect seemed to be about the same as pulling it in one of the standard directions.
Afterwards we joked about the implications for EA macrostrategy. "I guess we should just... pick a side." :D
I just assumed this works without even questioning it. ^^ Can you explain more concretely what you did? When I simulate this in my mind, I'm able to pull the rope sideways as long as there are less than three people pulling the rope at each side. They are also not allowed to counteract my pulling more than they would by default without my pulling, right?
We had two teams of 6 people (so 12 total) do a tug o war, and found that one team seemed slightly stronger than the other, but not strong enough to win immediately, it looked like there was at least 5-10 seconds of stasis.
Then we had a 13th person stand in the middle and pull the rope so as to help the weaker team. We didn't go long enough to actually conclude the game, but it was looking like this made the difference between victory and defeat -- the previously-weaker side now seemed stronger thanks to the additional person.
Then we did one last game, and... (read more)