The Singularity Institute is looking to hire someone familiar with decision theory to help finish Luke's Decision Theory FAQ (with the possibility of working on other projects afterwards). The first task of this individual will be to expand on section 11 by explaining each of the Newcomblike problems and showing how EDT, CDT, CDT+, and TDT perform on each of them. 

Pay will be hourly and starts at $15/hr, but will increase if you produce a good product. You must be able to commit an average of 20+hrs/wk.


Those applying for the position should be generally familliar with most of the following:

Working remotely for SI can be pretty great, here are some of the perks:
  • Work flexible hours: Complete your work in few large chunks or many small ones—at 03:00 or 18:00—it's up to you.
  • Work from wherever you please: your home (maybe even in bed), your local coffee shop, a row boat in the middle of a lake, whatever.
  • Age and credentials are irrelevant; only product matters.
  • Make money while contributing to the Singularity Institute.


If you are interested in the position, apply here!

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One idea: tracking down orthonormal

and finding out what his rate (-altruist discount :-) is might be a good strategy.

I know orthonormal. My bet is he's too busy for this but I'd like to be wrong.

It the cost of his time is the issue perhaps some additional funds can be raised via earmarking; I can guess that many people here would like one of the most difficult topics discussed in this forum made more accessible.

You're not wrong. Though (if there's some way to do what I'm trying to do in decision theory) I'll need to brush up on all the references anyhow, in the process of writing a paper. So it's not out of the question that I could play some role.

Oh, hey! I considered the OP, decided I couldn't commit 20 hours a week to explicating decision theory on top of trying to make something new work, and so didn't read the comments. Now I'm flattered.

Fixed. I meant this.

Do you have an estimate of how much work needs to be done?

On the Decision Theory FAQ alone? Not sure. More than 50 hours, I expect.

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