This may not be the right place for this, but I need quotes about death coming from the orthodox (normative, non-LW) position on death. I'm working on a project that will eventually be at least tangentially LW relevant, and I want to have some good 'pro-death' quotes that I can adapt for usage in the final project. I don't think I really need any quotes from the LW perspective; I plan to paraphrase Yudkowsky and the Sequences as well as Dylan Thomas's poem "Do not go gentle into that good night" for the opposing viewpoint.
I don't want to go into too much detail as to what it is exactly I am working on (if I fail or lose motivation fewer people will be disappointed), but I think that the project will take a maximum of 2 months to complete. This means that it will in all likelihood be complete in 3. More details as progress is made. Thank you in advance.
I recommend taking a look at the movie "How To Live Forever". Not that great of a documentary, but has great content on this subject. Some clips here.