WHEN: 17 November 2013 02:00:00PM (-0600)
WHERE: 40.109545,-88.227318
Coordinates are: 40.109545,-88.227318 Meetup will be held in the Courtyard Cafe in the Illini Union, on the ground floor, at 2PM.
Discussion will be on pages 140-210 of Thinking Fast and Slow.
Cross posted on the mailing list.
Discussion article for the meetup : Urbana-Champaign: Thinking Fast and Slow Discussion November 17
WHEN: 17 November 2013 02:00:00PM (-0600)
WHERE: 40.109545,-88.227318
Coordinates are: 40.109545,-88.227318 Meetup will be held in the Courtyard Cafe in the Illini Union, on the ground floor, at 2PM.
Discussion will be on pages 140-210 of Thinking Fast and Slow.
Cross posted on the mailing list.
Discussion article for the meetup : Urbana-Champaign: Thinking Fast and Slow Discussion November 17