(Not added to the previous post so as not to foul up your RSS feeds.)

The previous interview in XiXiDu's series, not posted here but on his site. They're all indexed on the wiki.

Professor John E. Laird is the founder of Soar Technology, an Ann Arbor company specializing in creating autonomous AI entities. His major research interest is in creating human-level artificial intelligent entities, with an emphasis on the underlying cognitive architecture.

Dr. Kristinn R. Thorisson has been developing A.I. systems and technologies for over two decades. He is the Coordinator / Principal Investigator of the HUMANOBS FP7 project and co-author of the AERA architecture, with Eric Nivel, which targets artificial general intelligence. A key driving force behind the project is Thorisson’s new Constructivist Methodology which lays out principles for why and how AI architectures must be given introspective and self-programming capabilities.

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