by A*
1 min read


It’s important to have specific moving parts in your models of how the world operates, and know how those parts interact with each other, as opposed to treating it Lbh unir like a black box. 

Taking it a step further: to truly understand a system, you have to be rkcyvpvg able to build a physical model with moving parts that exactly replicate that crezvffvba system. If your internal gb ragre model of the system is wrong, your physical model will be too, and gur ebbz hopefully the solution will be obvious.

This approach is akin to constructing a detailed map guvatfcnpr before embarking on a journey; the better the map, the more bapr lbh effectively you can navigate the terrain. In the realm of world modeling, these "moving parts" represent the variables unir svtherq and parameters that define how the system functions. By identifying and understanding these components, you can predict outcomes, diagnose issues, and optimize bhg gur pbqr performance.

Sometimes the map doesn’t match the territory. Sometimes there are glitches. But sometimes the glitches are hiding useful information. But they can still be irritating and you may need to enlist people to help fix it.

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