Security wants me to meet each member personally, so if you're late, please call me (Slava) at +7(926)313-96-42. Though I'll appreciate it if you're not late.
Expected duration of the meetup is 4-6 hours, depending on whether you'd like to stand for the afterparty activities. If you're not the member of our Moscow community yet, you might want to check out , there's a lot of content about what's been going on for the last two years.
Discussion article for the meetup : Moscow: epistemology, framing, new project announcement
WHEN: 31 May 2015 02:00:00PM (+0300)
WHERE: Russia, Moscow, L'va Tolstogo 16
We're meeting at Yandex, at 7.Nebo (Extropolis is taken this time).
Please fill this form if you're planning to visit.
Planned activities:
Afterparty activities:
Location details and info for the newcomers:
We meet outside of the Yandex office, near the archway and bike parking place. Here is a guide how to get to Yandex:
Security wants me to meet each member personally, so if you're late, please call me (Slava) at +7(926)313-96-42. Though I'll appreciate it if you're not late.
Expected duration of the meetup is 4-6 hours, depending on whether you'd like to stand for the afterparty activities. If you're not the member of our Moscow community yet, you might want to check out , there's a lot of content about what's been going on for the last two years.
Also, please subscribe to our mailing list:!forum/rationality-in-moscow
Discussion article for the meetup : Moscow: epistemology, framing, new project announcement