This is a list of all the deadlines outlined in the Executive Order (EO) published by Biden’s administration on 30.10.2023. I’ve put it together to make it easier for people to track what exactly should be happening when as a result of the EO. The required actions (mainly reports) are grouped by the date of their deadline. 

30 Days after the order - 29.11.2023

  • The Secretary of Transportation shall direct the […] (NETT) Council to assess the need for information, technical assistance, and guidance regarding the use of AI in transportation (Sec 8(c)(i))
  • The Technology Modernization Board shall consider, […], prioritizing funding for AI projects for the Technology Modernization Fund for a period of at least 1 year. (Sec 10.1(g))

45 Days after the order - 14.12.2023

  • The Secretary of Labor shall publish a request for information (RFI) to solicit public input, […], identifying AI and other STEM-related occupations, […], for which there is an insufficient number of […] United States workers. (Sec 5.1(e))
  • The Director of OSTP and the Director of OMB, […], shall identify priority mission areas for increased Federal Government AI talent (Sec 10.2(a))
  • The Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy, […], shall convene an AI and Technology Talent Task Force (Sec 10.2(b))
  • The United States Digital Service, […], shall develop and begin to implement plans to support the rapid recruitment of individuals as part of a Federal Government-wide AI talent surge (Sec 10.2(c))

60 Days after the order - 29.12.2023

  • The Director of OMB shall convene and chair an interagency council to coordinate the development and use of AI in agencies’ programs and operations, other than the use of AI in national security systems (Sec 10.1(a))
  • The Director of OMB shall develop a method for agencies to track and assess their ability to adopt AI into their programs and operations, manage its risks, and comply with Federal policy on AI (Sec 10.1(c))
  • [The Director of OPM shall] conduct an evidence-based review on the need for hiring and workplace flexibility (Sec 10.2(d)(i))
  • [The Director of OPM shall] consider authorizing the use of excepted service appointments […] to address the need for hiring additional staff to implement directives of this order; (Sec 10.2(d)(ii)

90 Days after the order - 28.01.2024

  • The Secretary of Commerce shall require companies developing or demonstrating an intent to develop potential dual-use foundation models to provide the Federal Government, on an ongoing basis, with information, reports, or records regarding the following: (Sec 4.2(a))
  • (and at least annually thereafter [the 90 days]) The head of each agency with relevant regulatory authority over critical infrastructure and the heads of relevant SRMAs, […], shall evaluate and provide to the Secretary of Homeland Security an assessment of potential risks related to the use of AI in critical infrastructure sectors (Sec 4.3(a)(i))
  • The Secretary of State and the Secretary of Homeland Security shall take appropriate steps [to] attract and retain talent in AI] (Sec 5.1(a))
  • The Director of NSF [shall] launch a pilot program implementing the National AI Research Resource (NAIRR), consistent with past recommendations of the NAIRR Task Force (Sec 5.2(a)(i))
  • The Attorney General shall direct the Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Civil Rights Division to convene a meeting […] to discuss comprehensive use of their respective authorities and offices to:  prevent and address discrimination in the use of automated systems, including algorithmic discrimination; (for more points see Sec 7.1(ii))
  • The Secretary of HHS shall, […] establish an HHS AI Task Force that shall, within 365 days of its creation, develop a strategic plan that includes policies and frameworks […] on responsible deployment and use of AI and AI-enabled technologies in the health and human services sector (Sec 8(b)(i))
  • The Secretary of Transportation shall direct appropriate Federal Advisory Committees of the DOT to provide advice on the safe and responsible use of AI in transportation. (Sec 8(c)(ii)
  • The Secretary of Commerce, […], shall develop guidelines, tools, and practices to support implementation of the minimum risk-management practices […] (Sec 10.1(d)(i))
  • The Administrator of General Services, […], shall develop and issue a framework for prioritizing critical and emerging technologies offerings in the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program authorization process, starting with generative AI offerings (Sec 10.1(f)(ii))
  • [The Director of OPM shall] coordinate a pooled-hiring action informed by subject-matter experts and using skills-based assessments to support the recruitment of AI talent across agencies; (Sec 10.2(d)(iii))

120 Days after the order - 27.02.2024

  • The Secretary of Defense, […], shall enter into a contract with the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to conduct — and submit […] — a study (Sec 4.4(a)(ii) for more)
  • The Secretary of State shall consider initiating a rulemaking to establish new criteria to designate countries and skills on the Department of State’s Exchange Visitor Skills List […], including those skills that are critical to the United States;  (Sec 5.1(b))
  • The Secretary of Homeland Security, […], shall develop and publish informational resources to better attract and retain experts in AI and other critical and emerging technologiesn(Sec 5.1(g) for more)
  • The Secretary of Energy, […], shall, […], establish a pilot program to enhance existing successful training programs for scientists, with the goal of training 500 new researchers by 2025 (Sec 5.2(b))
  • The Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and [the] USPTO Director shall publish guidance to USPTO patent examiners and applicants addressing inventorship and the use of AI, including generative AI (Sec 5.2(c)(i))
  • The Director of NSF, […] shall fund the creation of a Research Coordination Network (RCN) dedicated to advancing privacy research and, in particular, the development, deployment, and scaling of PETs. (Sec 9(c)(i))
  • [The Director of OPM shall] issue guidance for agency application of existing pay flexibilities or incentive pay programs for AI, AI-enabling, and other key technical positions to facilitate appropriate use of current pay incentives; (Sec 10.2(d)(iv))

150 Days after the order - 28.03.2024

  • The Secretary of the Treasury shall issue a public report on best practices for financial institutions to manage AI-specific cybersecurity risks. (Sec 4.3(a)(ii) for more)
  • The Director of NSF [shall] fund and launch at least one NSF Regional Innovation Engine that prioritizes AI-related work, such as AI-related research, societal, or workforce needs. (Sec 5.2(a)(ii))
  • The Director of OMB, […], shall issue guidance to agencies to strengthen the effective and appropriate use of AI… (Sec 10.1(b))

180 Days after the order - 27.04.2024

  • The Secretary of Commerce shall propose regulations that require United States IaaS Providers to ensure that foreign resellers of United States IaaS Products verify the identity of any foreign person that obtains an IaaS account (account) from the foreign reseller (Sec 4.2(d) for more)
  • The Secretary of Homeland Security, […], shall incorporate as appropriate the AI Risk Management Framework, […], into relevant safety and security guidelines for use by critical infrastructure owners and operators. (Sec 4.3(a)(iii) for more)
  • The Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Homeland Security shall […] develop plans for, conduct, and complete an operational pilot project to identify, develop, test, evaluate, and deploy AI capabilities, […], to aid in the discovery and remediation of vulnerabilities in critical United States Government software, systems, and networks. (Sec 4.3(b)(ii) for more)
  • The Secretary of Homeland Security, […], shall evaluate the potential for AI to be misused to enable the development or production of CBRN threats, while also considering the benefits and application of AI to counter these threats (Sec 4.4(a)(i) for more)
  • The Director of OSTP, […], shall establish a framework, incorporating, […], to encourage providers of synthetic nucleic acid sequences to implement […] synthetic nucleic acid procurement screening mechanisms. (Sec 4.4(b)(i) for more)
  • The Secretary of Commerce, […], shall initiate an effort to engage with industry and relevant stakeholders, informed by the framework developed under subsection 4.4(b)(i) of this section, to develop and refine for possible use by synthetic nucleic acid sequence providers (Sec 4.4(b)(ii) for more)
  • All agencies that fund life-sciences research shall, [..], establish that, as a requirement of funding, synthetic nucleic acid procurement is conducted through providers or manufacturers that adhere to the framework (Sec 4.4(b)(iii) for more)
  • The Secretary of Homeland Security shall develop a framework to conduct structured evaluation and stress testing of nucleic acid synthesis procurement screening (Sec 4.4(b)(iv) for more)
  • Agencies shall conduct a security review of all data assets in the comprehensive data inventory required […] and shall take steps, […], to address the highest-priority potential security risks that releasing that data could raise with respect to CBRN weapons (Sec 4.7(b))
  • The Secretary of State shall consider initiating a rulemaking to expand the categories of nonimmigrants who qualify for the domestic visa renewal program [more] (Sec 5.1(c))
  • The Secretary of Homeland Security shall: review and initiate any policy changes the Secretary determines necessary and appropriate to clarify and modernize immigration pathways for experts in AI and other critical and emerging technologies [more] (Sec 5.1(d))
  • The Secretary of Homeland Security […] shall develop a training, analysis, and evaluation program to mitigate AI-related IP risks. (Sec 5.2(d))
  • The Secretary of Energy […] shall: issue a public report describing the potential for AI to improve planning, permitting, investment, and operations for electric grid infrastructure and to enable the provision of clean, affordable, reliable, resilient, and secure electric power to all Americans; (for 4 more points see Sec 5.2(g))
  • The President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology shall submit to the President and make publicly available a report on the potential role of AI, […], in research aimed at tackling major societal and global challenges. (Sec 5.2(h))
  • The Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers shall prepare and submit a report to the President on the labor-market effects of AI. (Sec 6(a)(i))
  • The Secretary of Labor shall submit to the President a report analyzing the abilities of agencies to support workers displaced by the adoption of AI and other technological advancements. (Sec 6(a)(ii))
  • The Secretary of Labor shall […] develop and publish principles and best practices for employers that could be used to mitigate AI’s potential harms to employees’ well-being and maximize its potential benefits. (Sec 6(b)(i))
  • The Secretary of HHS shall, within 180 days of the date of this order […] publish a plan […], addressing the use of automated or algorithmic systems in the implementation by States and localities of public benefits and services administered by the Secretary (Sec 7.2(b)(i))
  • The Secretary of Agriculture shall, […] issue guidance to […] public-benefits administrators on the use of automated or algorithmic systems in implementing benefits or in providing customer support for benefit programs administered by the Secretary (Sec 7.2(b)(ii))
  • The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall, and the Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is encouraged to, issue additional guidance (Sec 7.3(c))
  • The Secretary of HHS shall direct HHS components, […], to develop a strategy, […], to determine whether AI-enabled technologies in the health and human services sector maintain appropriate levels of quality, including, as appropriate, in the areas described in subsection (b)(i) of this section. (Sec 8(b)(ii))
  • The Secretary of HHS shall, […], consider appropriate actions to advance the prompt understanding of, and compliance with, Federal nondiscrimination laws by health and human services providers that receive Federal financial assistance, as well as how those laws relate to AI. (Sec 8(b)(iii))
  • The Secretary of Transportation shall direct the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Infrastructure (ARPA-I) to explore the transportation-related opportunities and challenges of AI (Sec 8(c)(iii))
  • The Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, and the Director of OSTP, [shall] issue an RFI to inform potential revisions to guidance to agencies on implementing the privacy provisions of the E-Government Act of 2002 (Sec 9(a)(iii))
  • The Director of OMB shall develop an initial means to ensure that agency contracts for the acquisition of AI systems and services align with […] and advance the other aims identified in […] (Sec 10.1(d)(ii))
  • The Director of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), […], shall develop guidance on the use of generative AI for work by the Federal workforce. (Sec 10.1(f)(iii))
  • The Administrator of General Services, […], shall take steps consistent with applicable law to facilitate access to Federal Government-wide acquisition solutions for specified types of AI services and products (Sec 10.1(h))
  • [The Task Force’s purpose will be …], including submitting to the President a report and recommendations for further increasing capacity; (Sec 10.2(b)(i))
  • [The Director of OPM shall] establish guidance and policy on skills-based, Federal Government-wide hiring of AI, data, and technology talent (Sec 10.2(d)(v))
  • [The Director of OPM shall] establish an interagency working group, staffed with both human-resources professionals and recruiting technical experts, to facilitate Federal Government-wide hiring of people with AI and other technical skills; (Sec 10.2(d)(vi))
  • [The Director of OPM shall] review existing Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs) for Senior Executive Service (SES) positions informed by data and AI literacy competencies (Sec 10.2(d)(vii))
  • [The Director of OPM shall] complete a review of competencies for civil engineers […], and make recommendations for ensuring that [there is] adequate AI expertise and credentials in these occupations (Sec 10.2(d)(viii))
  • The Secretary of Defense shall submit a report to the President (Sec 10.2(h))
  • [The Secretary of Commerce shall] submit a report to the President on priority actions taken pursuant to the plan [Sec 11(b)(i)] (Sec 11(b)(ii))

240 Days after the order - 26.06.2024

  • The Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs and the Director of OMB, […], shall coordinate work […] to develop and take steps for the Federal Government to mandate such guidelines, or appropriate portions thereof, through regulatory or other appropriate action. (Sec 4.3(a)(iv) for more)
  • The Secretary of Commerce, […], shall submit a report to the Director of OMB and the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs identifying the existing standards, tools, methods, and practices, as well as the potential development of further science-backed standards and techniques, for: authenticating content and tracking its provenance; labeling synthetic content, such as using watermarking; detecting synthetic content; preventing generative AI from producing child sexual abuse material or producing non-consensual intimate imagery of real individuals (to include intimate digital depictions of the body or body parts of an identifiable individual); testing software used for the above purposes; and auditing and maintaining synthetic content. (Sec 4.5(a))
  • The Secretary of Commerce, in coordination with the Director of OMB, shall develop guidance regarding the existing tools and practices for digital content authentication and synthetic content detection measures. (Sec 4.5(b))
  • The Director of OMB, […], shall […] issue guidance to agencies for labeling and authenticating such content that they produce or publish. (Sec 4.5(c))
  • The Director of NSF shall engage with agencies to identify ongoing work and potential opportunities to incorporate PETs into their operations. (Sec 9(c)(ii))

270 Days after the order - 26.07.2024

  • The Secretary of Commerce, […], shall establish guidelines and best practices, […], for developing and deploying safe, secure, and trustworthy AI systems (Sec 4.1(a) for more)
  • The Secretary of Energy, […], shall develop and, […], implement a plan for developing the Department of Energy’s AI model evaluation tools and AI testbeds. (Sec 4.1(b) for more)
  • The Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Homeland Security shall each provide a report to the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs on the results of actions taken […], including a description of any vulnerabilities found and fixed through the development and deployment of AI capabilities and any lessons learned on how to identify, develop, test, evaluate, and deploy AI capabilities effectively for cyber defense. (Sec 4.3(b)(iii) for more)
  • The Secretary of Commerce, […], shall: solicit input from the private sector, academia, civil society, and other stakeholders through a public consultation process on potential risks, benefits, other implications, and appropriate policy and regulatory approaches related to dual-use foundation models for which the model weights are widely available, including… (Sec 4.6)
  • The Chief Data Officer Council, [..], shall develop initial guidelines for performing security reviews, including reviews to identify and manage the potential security risks of releasing Federal data that could aid in the development of CBRN weapons as well as the development of autonomous offensive cyber capabilities, while also providing public access to Federal Government data in line with the goals stated in the Open, Public, Electronic, and Necessary Government Data Act (Sec 4.7(a))
  • The Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs and the Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy shall oversee an interagency process with the purpose of developing and submitting a proposed National Security Memorandum on AI to the President. (Sec 4.8)
  • The Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office shall issue additional guidance to USPTO patent examiners and applicants to address other considerations at the intersection of AI and IP, which could include, as the USPTO Director deems necessary, updated guidance on patent eligibility to address innovation in AI and critical and emerging technologies; (Sec 5.2(c)(ii))
  • The Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office shall consult with the Director of the United States Copyright Office and issue recommendations to the President on potential executive actions relating to copyright and AI. (Sec 5.2(c)(iii))
  • The Attorney General shall […] consider those best practices and the guidance […], and if necessary, develop additional general recommendations for […] law enforcement agencies and criminal justice agencies seeking to recruit, hire, train, promote, and retain highly qualified and service-oriented officers and staff with relevant technical knowledge. (Sec 7.1(c)(ii))
  • [The Secretary of Commerce shall] establish a plan for global engagement on promoting and developing AI standards (Sec 11(b)(i))
  • The Secretary of Homeland Security, […], shall develop a plan for multilateral engagements to encourage the adoption of the AI safety and security guidelines for use by critical infrastructure owners and operators (Sec 11(d)(i))

365 Days after the order - 30.10.2024

  • The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall host two 3-month nationwide AI Tech Sprint competitions; (Sec 5.2(f))
  • The Attorney General shall, […] submit to the President a report that addresses the use of AI in the criminal justice system (Sec 7.1(b)(i))
  • The Attorney General shall review the work conducted pursuant to section 2(b) of Executive Order 14074 and, if appropriate, reassess the existing capacity to investigate law enforcement deprivation of rights under color of law resulting from the use of AI (Sec 7.1(c)(iii))
  • The Secretary of Labor shall publish guidance for Federal contractors regarding nondiscrimination in hiring involving AI and other technology-based hiring systems. (Sec 7.3(a))
  • The Secretary of HHS shall, […], establish an AI safety program (Sec 8(b)(iv))
  • The Secretary of HHS shall develop a strategy for regulating the use of AI or AI-enabled tools in drug-development processes. (Sec 8(b)(v))
  • The Secretary of Education shall, [...] develop resources, policies, and guidance regarding AI. (Sec 8(d))
  • The Secretary of Commerce, acting through the Director of NIST, shall create guidelines for agencies to evaluate the efficacy of differential-privacy-guarantee protections, including for AI. (Sec 9(b))
  • [The Director of OPM shall] implement new ECQs as appropriate in the SES assessment process; (Sec 10.2(d)(vii))
  • The Secretary of State and the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development, […], shall publish an AI in Global Development Playbook (Sec 11(c)(i))

540 Days after the order - 22.04.2025

  • The Director of NSF shall establish at least four new National AI Research Institutes, in addition to the 25 currently funded as of the date of this order. (Sec 5.2(a)(iii))
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This was very helpful for you to put together - thank you!

Glad to hear that!

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