Discussion article for the meetup : Moscow: meta-model, epistemology, tabooing, etc.

WHEN: 26 April 2015 02:00:00PM (+0300)

WHERE: Russia, Moscow, L'va Tolstogo 16

Two important announcements:

1) We're moving to the Extropolis conference hall. It's in the same Yandex building (well, almost), but it has a different entrance. Look below for the details. 2) I got asked by Yandex people to implement a registration process. So, please enter your name into this form if you're going to join us. (I'll think about how to make this process less annoying for the regular visitors. In the meantime, the good news is that you don't need a Yandex badge to enter Extropolis.)

Our planned activities for this meetup:

  • Alex will give a talk about meta-model.
  • Pavel will give a talk about epistemology.
  • Pion will talk about Taboo technique, and we'll have our usual belief investigation exercise. We also have a lot planned for the afterparty:
  • Prisoner's dilemma tournament, again
  • Brainstorm about how to improve Fallacymania (hey, if you're not from Moscow, but wondering what is Fallacymania, here are the rules translated in English: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/lesswrong-tel-aviv/9OT5yXHX1lo/RDmlIXz1bF4J)
  • general lets-solve-each-other-problems session

Location details and some Info for the newcomers:

We meet outside of the Yandex office, near the archway and bike parking place. Here is a guide how to get to Yandex: http://company.yandex.ru/contacts/redrose/.

Here is the street view of the entrance you need. (upd: link fixed). You can enter it yourself, but please fill the registration form to avoid any issues with the security. If you can't find the entrance, call me (Slava) at +7(926)313-96-42.

Expected duration of the meetup is 4-6 hours, depending on whether you'd like to stand for the afterparty activities. If you're not the member of our Moscow community yet, you might want to check out https://lesswrong-ru.hackpad.com/ , there's a lot of content about what's been going on for the last two years.

Also, please subscribe to our mailing list: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/rationality-in-moscow

Discussion article for the meetup : Moscow: meta-model, epistemology, tabooing, etc.

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