Crossposted from the AI Alignment Forum. May contain more technical jargon than usual.
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We are very close to the submission deadline for TAIS 2024. Alignment research moves fast; if there's something you've been working on the for last few months that you think would be interesting to our attendees, please submit! You can find a draft agenda on our website.


  • 2024-01-31: Submission deadline
  • 2024-02-29: Notification of acceptance / rejection
  • 2024-04-05: Conference!


The Technical AI Safety Conference will bring together specialists in the field of technical safety to share their research and benefit from each others’ expertise. We want our attendees to involve themselves in deep conversations throughout the conference with the brightest minds in AI Safety.

We seek to launch this forum for academics, researchers and professionals who are doing technical work in these or adjacent fields:

  • Mechanistic interpretability
  • Scalable oversight
  • Causal incentive analysis
  • Agent foundations
  • Singular learning theory
  • Argumentation
  • Emergent agentic phenomena
  • Thermodynamic / statistical-mechanical analyses of computational systems

We invite the submission of research papers, or extended abstracts, that deal with related topics. We particularly encourage submissions from researchers in the ALIFE community who would not otherwise have considered submitting to TAIS 2024.

Our sponsors, Noeon Research, have kindly provided funding to cover travel and accommodation for authors of accepted presentations.

To submit, please send a title and abstract to

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