1 min read


This is a linkpost for https://y1d2.com/blog/cultfrisbee

Tom and I have been pondering how to make friends as adults. One solution he has invented is CultFrisbee™. Here's how you play:


  • You need at least one other player.
  • Before catching a frisbee, you must clap.


  • Not catching a 'properly' thrown frisbee
  • Failing to make a 'proper' throw
  • Not clapping before catching the frisbee
  • Clapping when a frisbee isn't thrown to you

Every time you foul, you get a letter, which spells out the word "Cult." Your first foul earns you a C, second a U, and so on. If you complete the word "Cult," you must approach someone and ask them to join a game of CultFrisbee.

Today, we managed to meet about 15 different people at the Glasgow Botanical Gardens and found two who gave us their numbers to stay in touch. 

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Hardly worth asking now, but I’ve just been in Glasgow for the World Science Fiction Convention, and I’m wondering if you or any other LWers were there.

Hi, thanks for sharing it, I have never played it before. I would love to try it out.

I fully endorse this social activity! Especially since I note that there is no end condition on the game, but also nothing stopping anybody from just going home.