Full text: http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/182368464/2013-cha.pdf
Discussion: http://pipeline.corante.com/archives/2013/10/08/forecasting_drug_sales_har_har.php
I don't think this is a very interesting datapoint.
How well can industry experts predict sales?
Industry experts? These are Wall Street sell-side analysts, apparently, which are not a group I have ever seen praised for accuracy (nor unbiasedness, while we're at it).
Show me internal projections from the pharmaceutical companies; show me internal forecasts from hedge funds for trading on their own account; show me movements of share prices. Those I'll consider meaningful. This, on the other hand, is just another datapoint that advertisers lie.
Also, I didn't know we could even do posts like this, which have a sliding bar at right which you need to use to read the whole thing.
EDIT: Image now visisble!
From Anders Sandberg:
Another piece examining predictive performance, this time in the pharmaceutical industry. How well can industry experts predict sales?
You guessed it, not very well. Not even when data really accumulated.
Large pharma has less bias than small companies, but the variance still overshadows everything.