Discussion article for the meetup : Sydney solstice

WHEN: 12 December 2015 05:00:00PM (+1100)

WHERE: 63 york rd, Queens park, sydney,

https://goo.gl/maps/7Zm8dea7hGF2 Centennial park, in the park, closest gate at 63 york st, 5pm local time.

See the facebook page for any last minute updates i.e. weather problems. or call (04--3848--11-43) me to confirm any details you want to know.


https://goo.gl/maps/7Zm8dea7hGF2 Centennial park, in the park, closest gate at 63 york st.

Same place as last year.

Bring a dish! Something tasty... Try to aim for something inclusive of vegetarian/vegan, at the very least - know what is in your dish for when people ask.

Agenda: Eat food; be merry! Our year in review (as a local community, as a country, as humanty) Talk about goals for the past year, share successes and failures (as individuals) Lachlan - making resolutions for the new year Taryn - songs Over the next year: plans for ourselves Over the next year: predictions about the state of the future of the world

Bonus mini-game: prepare for the Candles VS wind game, and this time bring a solution with you.

Post below what you plan to bring so we don't get duplicates...

See you there!

Discussion article for the meetup : Sydney solstice

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