Discussion article for the meetup : Utrecht: More on effective altruism

WHEN: 05 April 2014 05:00:00PM (+0200)

WHERE: Oudegracht 158, 3511 AZ Utrecht, The Netherlands

Our last meetup went well and we hope to keep the momentum growing. As of yet, we have no specific agenda items. Thus, if you have a topic in the Less Wrong / Effective Altruism / rationality scope, please add a comment below. Since this group is still rather young and informal, we'll use the opportunity to meet each other, share opinions on EA/LW and share our desires for what we want the group to become. There will also be plenty of semi-serious discussion over relevant issues. We will meet in a café called De Winkel van Sinkel, which is 400m walking distance from Utrecht Centraal. The meetup will be held in English. I will be in front of the café with a a sign that says "LW" on it at 17:00. If you have trouble finding us you can call me at 0684140766. We have a meetup.com presence of Lesswrong/Effective Altruism Nederland where you can click attend if you want to join: http://www.meetup.com/Less-Wrong-Nederland/events/173124892/ Additionally we also have a facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/262932060523750/

Discussion article for the meetup : Utrecht: More on effective altruism

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Imma Six asked me to post this here. She's taking the time to prepare a pittle presentation for us so thanks a lot!

"I will prepare an introduction for a discussion about ethical career choice. I think that's an important topic that many of us are thinking about. To get a high quality discussion, please have a look at http://80000hours.org/­ before the meetup to see what it's about. 80.000hours is an organisation that does research and helps people to have a high impact career.

This article on 80.000hours proposes career options. http://80000hours.org/blog/314-...­

Questions that may be discussed:

  • How do you build career capital (e.g. useful skills)?
  • How do you plan a high impact career?
  • How do you find a balance between making the world a better place on and your own hapiness? ...
  • What would you like to know? How can we help you? Enter a comment here"

I made a mistake and set the time to 10am, fixed now. Thanks Imma for pointing out!

Now actually fixed, apparently didn't go through at first.