Discussion article for the meetup : First Norwich UK Meetup Sunday 1 April 11am

WHEN: 01 April 2012 11:00:00AM (+0100)

WHERE: The Black Horse, 50 Earlham Road, Norwich, NR2 3DE

This is the first LW meetup in Norwich, UK. If you're in Norwich or Norfolk then please consider joining us.

Discussion article for the meetup : First Norwich UK Meetup Sunday 1 April 11am

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How will we find each other? A giant paperclip? I look like this.

As it happens, I have a pretty good-sized paperclip right here. So yeah, I'll pop that on the table if I arrive first.

I guess we're the only two LWers in Norwich (so far!).

I'll be there.

I've just spoken with the venue and unusually they're not opening until 12 noon!

There's another pub that's definitely open called The Belle Vue; It's just around the corner. The address is The Belle Vue, 46 St. Phillips Road, Norwich, NR2 3BL. The directions from The Black Horse are: walk up Heighman Road, take the first left onto Stafford Street and then it's on the corner of the fourth right turn which is called St Phillips Road.

I'll plan to stay at The Black Horse until 11:15am in case someone else shows up, and then walk up to The Belle Vue.

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