
Hey! This is another update from the distillers at the AI Safety Info website (and its more playful clone Stampy).

Here are a couple of the answers that we wrote up over the last month (May 2023). As always let us know in the comments if there are any questions that you guys have that you would like to see answered. 

The list below redirects to individual links, and the collective URL above renders all of the answers in the list on one page at once.


How can I help tree

There are many different types of individuals from all manner of different backgrounds who want to contribute to AI Safety. So we added a FAQ with advice on various different ways to help with AI safety.

Here is the unified link for all the answers in the how can I help tree if you wish to navigate to directly. See Steven's post for the full list of individual questions and details.

Other Distillations


Developer Updates

There are also a couple of cool new features that the developers of the website worked on. We now have a tags page, which allows the reader to navigate the answers based on the tag that they are most interested in. There is also an implementation of a glossary function which auto-creates a short definition popup whenever a jargony term pops up in the answer that the reader might not be familiar with. Here is a sample answer that shows how this functionality works. Try hovering over the "agent", "s-risk", "Goodhart" etc... links.

This is all still a work in progress, but it is exciting to share everything that the people who are all part of the Stampy project have been working on.


Crossposted to the EAforum :

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