Videos of some of the talks and panel discussions (currently eight twelve of them) from this year's Singularity Summit are now online.

Michael Vassar:
The Darwinian Method

Eliezer Yudkowsky:
Simplified Humanism and Positive Futurism

Demis Hassabis:
Combining systems neuroscience and machine learning: a new approach to AGI

Shane Legg:
Universal measures of intelligence

Debate: Terry Sejnowski and Dennis Bray
Will we soon realistically emulate biological systems?

Jose Cordeiro:
The Future of Energy and the Energy of the Future

Panel: John Tooby, Ben Goertzel, Eliezer Yudkowsky, and Shane Legg
Narrow and General Intelligence

Ray Kurzweil:
The Mind and How to Build One

Gregory Stock:
Evolution of Post-Human Intelligence

Ramez Naam:
The Digital Biome

Ben Goertzel:
AI Against Aging

Dennis Bray:
What Cells Can Do That Robots Can't

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I'm watching Demis Hassabis' talk, and I must say that it's super irritating that the camera is essentially focused on the speaker, and every once in awhile cuts to the slides. I don't care about watching the speaker talk. At all. I can hear the speaker just fine. Can I please just see the slides? Better yet, show the slides with an inset of the speaker in one of the corners of the slide.

This is especially irritating when the camera is focused on the speaker while he's describing elements of the slides. Case in point, at 13:52 of the Hassabis video, he's explaining the meaning of a graph on his slide, but the whole time the camera is just focused on the speaker, making the presentation difficult to understand. I find myself having to memorize what was said, and then skip back in the video to a point where they actually showed the slide to see what he's talking about. Come on.

Agh, I feel like a jerk complaining about a free resource. Don't mind me, just griping.

"show the slides with an inset of the speaker in one of the corners of the slide."

this really needs to be a universal standard practice for presentations.

The Startup School videos from one year (2008?) are great, because omnisio synced the slides with the videos. Then Youtube bought omnisio and killed it, and I'm not sure there is another video product that does slide/video syncing.

You're providing valuable feedback about something that probably bothered every viewer of the Hassabis video, so don't apologize!

It's a shame that the best talk (imho) was the one that included the most interaction with the slides. I searched for the slides online but couldn't find them (his publications are at but no slides).

The best talk now has slides!

Enjoy, everyone!

I find it disturbing that the camera appears to be wiggling around (at least during Eliezer's talk), and so I'm skipping the visuals entirely.

Would it be feasible to have the videos on youtube?

I haven't been able to get them to play on vimeo, and I'm not the only one having that sort of problem. vimeo help forum more vimeo help forum.

Who is introducing the speakers?

Is anyone else having trouble viewing the videos? All I get is a still image of the speaker.

I'm using a current version of Firefox.

Vimeo does that to most visitors sometimes. Click "refresh" a few times. Or try a new tab - sometimes that helps.

Safari worked.

Stored riff: SF authors really didn't predict what computers would be like. Not only didn't they realize (for the most part) that computers would be used casually, but they tended to assume that the big problem with computers would be that they'd take over the world almost immediately.

No one guessed that there would be bookshelves in bookstores so that the more or less general public would have some chance of getting their home computers to do one thing and another.

Also using Firefox. Some videos worked, but others failed to even start.

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