Hey! So I'm one of the organizers for the 2025 Bay Area Secular Summer Solstice and we're seeking input from people planning to attend. In particular, Solstice has been at Miller-Knox for the past several years and we'd like to move it somewhere else for this year.
Rachel Shu, the 2024 organizer, posted about doing Solstice on Angel Island back in June. The basic idea is that Angel Island could be a temporary, alternate world that facilitates a deeper collective experience: Summer Solstice is about agency, freedom, solutionism, physical embodiment, cooperation, and fun — and Angel Island has a mountain peak to climb, crumbling ruins to explore, forests to hike, and beaches to swim from.
If you are planning to attend the next Bay Area Summer Solstice, does this idea excite you, or would you prefer a different venue, such as the Marin Headlands (the original Secular Summer Solstice venue)? Short survey here, or comments welcome below. We plan to make a decision in the next couple weeks, so now is a great time for input!
Quick pros of Angel Island:
Quick cons of Angel Island:
Would also welcome additional collaborators on Summer Solstice 2025.