Discussion article for the meetup : Bratislava

WHEN: 18 August 2014 06:00:00PM (+0200)

WHERE: Bistro The Peach, Mariánska 3, Bratislava

Pošlite do mailovej skupiny linku na zaujímavú tému, o ktorej sa chcete na meetupe porozprávať.

Discussion article for the meetup : Bratislava

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Hi! New user, reading here for a while. Are these meetups held in english? If so, I would like to go to one. (I'm from Vienna)

Hi, unfortunately we speak in Slovak, because some members are not fluent in English (although most are).

There are also meetups in Vienna, the next one is the next Saturday, you can find them here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/rationalityvienna/