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I don’t think we are that far off from turning a book into a movie using AI. I just read H. P. Lovecraft’s At the Mountain of Madness, which is about discovering the remains of an ancient alien civilization in Antartica. It would make an amazing movie, and Guillermo del Toro has been trying to do it, but since such a project is so expensive, he hasn’t been able to put the pieces together. An AI could make movies that just wouldn’t get made otherwise. And maybe it could make one for me on the fly. I could tell it that I love the style of The Road with elements of horror, and it would produce the movie just for me.

That seems about right to me.

This is great work in the right direction by 1x. The robot simulates the world forward to predict the results of its actions. But it simulates at the pixel level. It should simulate at the concept level and then generate pixels from the concept simulation.