This Sunday at 12pm (PDT), we're running another session of "lightning talks" by curated LessWrong authors (see here for previous weeks' transcripts).

  • Each talk will be 3-5 minutes followed by discussion. Afterwards, we'll have a hangout in breakout rooms. The talks will be short and focus on presenting one core idea well, rather than rushing through a lot of content.
  • We want to give top LessWrong writers an interesting space to discuss their ideas, and have more fruitful collaboration between users. Think of it like a cross between an academic colloquium and some friends chatting by a whiteboard.

If you're a curated author and interested in giving a 5-min talk at a future event, which will then be transcribed and edited, sign up here.



When? Sunday August 2, 12pm (PDT)

Where? Zoom

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Mazes and Duality was last time, we're doing something different this time.

Gah, thanks, I'm too sloppy with these announcements. Will improve!