Discussion article for the meetup : London Meetup - Achieving Better Goals

WHEN: 04 August 2013 02:00:00PM (+0100)

WHERE: Shakespeare's Head, London, WC2B 6BG

LessWrong London are having another awesome meetup and we would love for you to come!

The plan is to meet at The Shakespeare Inn, 200m from Holborn Underground at 2pm on Sunday 4th August. We will officially finish at 4pm but honestly people tend to enjoy it so much they want to stay longer, and regularly do. We will have a sign with the LessWrong logo on it so you can find us easily.

This meetup is all about creating goals and turning them into actionable objectives. If you went to Rikk's Meetup then hopefully you already have a few goals in mind but don't worry if you didn't.

If you have any questions, or are thinking of coming, feel free to email me (James) at kerspoon+lw@gmail.com. Otherwise, just turn up!

Hope to see you there, James

P.S err on the side of turning-up, we're friendly, and it's fun :)

"Through rationality we shall become awesome, and invent and test systematic methods for making people awesome, and plot to optimize everything in sight, and have fun."

Discussion article for the meetup : London Meetup - Achieving Better Goals

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Nice to meet y'all, expect that I'll be there again in future. "Optimize everything in sight" should probably not be a Less Wrong goal, though (have you read Francis Spufford's "Red Plenty"?)

Glad you could come along. Not read the article; I just found the quote fun. Hope to see you there again.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at 2pm this Sunday. Here is a rough plan on what I plan to cover:

  1. Finding goals for yourself.
  2. Making them a better fit of what you actually want to do (rather than things that sound good).
  3. Turning those goals into tasks you are actually likely to do.