by [anonymous]
1 min read


I'm going to be in Boston from the 16th to 20somethingth doing college visits (Harvard and MIT).

If I understand correctly, there are Cambridge meetups on the first and third Sundays of the month. However, the Harvard visit program has other things for me to do during that time, so I'm going to have to miss that.

Is there anyone in Cambridge who I could meet up with while I'm there?  I'll probably be pretty flexible while I'm at MIT, since I'm just planning to stay with friends there.

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We could move the regular meetup time to something that matches your schedule. Is there a time you'll definitely be free?

That would be great. I'd also be fine with just talking to people in the area in a less disruptive way.

My schedule is pretty much entirely fluid after Monday. Any time after that during that week (including that Saturday) I can make time to attend.

Sorry about the deletion confusion, I saw a lack of response and decided it might be better to just PM you. Trying to figure out how to repost this in a way that doesn't kill the comment.

Ok, I'll bring up scheduling at today's meetup and we'll either move that meetup to Saturday or one of the following weeknights, or supplement it with an additional meetup at one of those times. You might want to join the group, ; that will put you on the group mailing list.