by MP
1 min read


I think a lot of people dislike central planning states not because they dislike efficiency, welfare, or lack of liberties, but because they distrust anyone central party to make decisions on behalf of society.

Well, if you have greater than life intelligence like AGI, you could do central planning. At least, you could think you can do central planning.

Is it possible that AGIs will have left-leaning ideas, and ultimately be communists, because they see themselves as smart and that things would be better off if humans let them to allocate resources instead of markets.

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Systems like communism and capitalism are proposals for solving coordination problems in societies where the vast majority of intellectual and physical labor must stem from humans. Saying a lightcone governed by an AGI would be "communist" is a type error.

There is little difference between a "communist" system where everything is ruled by an omniscient and omnipotent Big Brother, and a "capitalist" system where everything is owned by an omniscient Big Corporation which outcompeted everyone and made everyone completely dependent on itself.



FYI, this sentence seems coherent and important to me:

Well, if you have greater than life intelligence like AGI, you could do central planning. At least, you could think you can do central planning.

This sentence seems confused, and like you've blurred some mechanistic understanding with some vague political ideas.

Is it possible that AGIs will have left-leaning ideas, and ultimately be communists, because they see themselves as smart and that things would be better off if humans let them to allocate resources instead of markets.