It looks like this is a software product; they aren't making CGMs, they're reselling the Freestyle Libre. There's nothing wrong with writing data-analysis software for CGM data, but this kind of software is a fairly commoditized, low-value high-competition market, especially in comparison to the CGM hardware market, which makes billions of dollars a year in revenue. Their marketing presentation seems like it's trying to obfuscate this distinction.
Maybe it would help if you shared what you've been able to find out so far?
[This is what I've found so far:]
It seems to be some sort of continuous glucose monitor
[todo: summarize findings, find more discussion]
Does anyone have experience or information about continuous glucose monitoring from "January AI"? glucose monitoring system-b&gclid=Cj0KCQjwl9GCBhDvARIsAFunhsk1iEFoN8X0QJGsifMUTKgcjuTmDwUzLaOuqN-sXsa2wiYHtzcReTwaAtLSEALw_wcB